
[且听且看(音视频)] 美国人爱玩什么?之Pokemon Go

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发表于 2016-12-12 01:30 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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# E" q4 V% h4 n. N/ q/ x$ k- `' l  Y# w7 Y7 u1 c0 b3 @
今天Jenny和大家想念已久的开言主播Jason就要跟你聊聊最近风靡美国的手游Pokemon Go; 告诉你它为何那么受美国人欢迎?+ n/ C) ~  W4 l1 g8 j+ @, L
2 S# I' B8 Q4 b0 @9 [/ u- m

# R, M; p# e' K" d0 }8 d: L" C: x" R& W
(17:10Pokemon Go Mania,来自开言英语OpenLanguage
+ @' n8 x. h# c1 Z" F0 y9 ?8 P8 X. M2 I" X

9 A4 o& S1 M1 p% y( I# j. R/ j
! ^, M0 x, ~+ p7 z( h. |6 C2 z
记得Game Boy吗?美国人也超爱

% O1 r, O+ Q2 h  ?* g9 o- f
% r$ x7 K( W% A( x# B" _0 Y
Pokemon Go is the latest craze that has been breaking the Internet: Pokemon Go真是风靡网络
It's everyone, everywhere, all of the time: 每个人、大街小巷、每时每刻都在玩这个游戏
The game isn't available in China, but it's taking the US by storm: 这个游戏在中国没有上线,不过在美国真的非常火爆
Pokemon Go is based on the super popular Game Boy from the 90's: Pokemon Go是基于90年代超受欢迎的Game Boy游戏新开发的
Video game consoles: 掌中宝游戏机& o/ A! x& ]4 E! d- b
X Box, Play Station are also game consoles:  X Box, PS都是console (游戏机、盒子)
5 p+ B6 ?# l! p% w) j6 Z; AThe game is making a comeback on your smartphones: 现在它卷土重来,变成一款手游
% }2 x/ R9 ~  u. b# a( Z6 r, ~
People have a lot of nostalgia for Pokemon, especially millennials: 很多美国80后、90后(英语对这个群体叫millennials)对这款游戏都有一种怀旧情结

; I# c5 z# i# l( X/ U4 e; B  m; {

7 y8 G+ I4 z0 ^: S/ ~) H% h
0 C/ Y9 Y2 n' L  u# A, s
& r  C# @% A/ D+ _- I6 [
Everyone is glued to their screens playig the game: 所有人都好像被手机频幕胶住了1 M/ W# |( _4 k* c2 a
You turn on the TV, you read the news, and everyone's talking about this game, how popular it is, and how dangerous it could be: 所有人不是在玩、就是在说Pokemon Go, 但是这款游戏也会造成潜在危险
" R, K/ |6 `* i& @- r- a1 E9 z  T+ l) [
People don't pay attention when they're walking and some people will play even when they're driving: 很多人边走路、甚至边开车都在打Pokemon Go" b7 V, j9 y& p# V: S3 |; u3 n
7 k* c; k7 q6 G. O4 G) J9 |

: `) W/ k- z" O
# u- v. w* K! O% X% F

. d0 Y, X2 d  \2 O' u$ I9 n: S7 L: q4 k) g
Pokemon Go uses a new technology called augmented reality (AR): Pokemon Go运用了增强现实这一新技术
Virtual reality (VR): 虚拟现实
' `9 M, H6 U; Z, o, ^  }3 _AR is combining a video game with the real world, making the real world more interesting, or more dangerous: 增强现实把在线游戏和现实世界结合起来,让现实世界更有趣,也更危险( K& D' ~+ _2 _

; d' z- g5 `; B
! E# Z5 ?5 d! A& _! q1 H! p# L* b" j
Pokemon Go让沙发土豆们走到户外玩游戏

" @8 h2 s/ y* T. w$ Q' }( X7 @' c2 ?5 n- T& \
8 v3 K) c7 q1 ]8 a' [! h" {
Pokemon Go is also attracting new fans who have never played Pokemon before: Pokemon Go也吸引了很多以前没接触过Pokemon的新粉丝
It uses maps from the real world to say, "Oh, you are on First St. and Second Ave. If you walk two blocks in that direction, there's a Pikachu and you can go catch it.": 这个游戏要玩家真的走出去,到户外去找怪兽
1 M0 ^1 f, @* O7 m  AYou actually have to go walk over two blocks to find that Pikachu: 为了找到Pikachu, 你得真的走几个街区& G) r7 j5 ?5 k3 B4 ?
A block: 一条街、一个街区
8 d9 s: [5 z% P+ b9 m2 sA lot of American kids and people lack exercise: 很多美国人都缺乏运动
7 W7 [5 J: j' y: y- O  R; a! |This game is getting people to move around, and bringing out this social element back tovideo games: 这个游戏让玩家多走动、而且还能跟其他玩家真实交流
# D+ `5 A! G+ R- Z- C
& d2 t% S; e4 g7 H8 t- w3 o' j9 x3 K1 Q7 o0 L" @
: x' ]1 r4 I! E0 @& q8 D( v4 z" _4 w

' `+ K* `- I# i2 B3 j
In English, we borrow a word from Japanese, and we call people who play video games"otaku": 游戏宅男,在英语里的说法是"otaku", 是来自日语的外来语
You can also call them a gamer: 不过更广泛的一个词是gamer(游戏玩家)
) k4 ^3 }- G/ m
Be careful not to call them a player: 千万别说成player, player的意思是花心大萝卜
4 @% C4 i2 E/ b; I8 K  x+ X
+ m% Z+ o4 t$ t! y% l$ P5 O( M
美国人靠Pokemon Go交友?
0 L* K* @) v5 E0 R$ q) }/ A2 q+ ~
Many people think Pokemon Go is fun because it's a lot like a scavenger hunt: 很多人爱玩Pokemon Go, 因为他们觉得这像个寻宝游戏; {. {, _4 r7 u) {/ v' Q4 _( L
Because you're looking for Pikachu, you might run into other people who are also trying to find the same character: 找小精灵的过程中,你会遇到很多同样也在找的人9 s. H; [4 @7 f. r& r! ]+ C, k9 |
You might meet strangers, but because everyone is playing the same game, you have something in common, and you might start talking and make new friends: 碰到其他不认识的玩家,但因为大家有共同语言,所以还能交朋友
, p8 y0 [  n4 \# P) R/ r) d0 N
/ v$ E- T/ ~  Y
Pokemon Go术语

7 }$ T) h9 a) z6 z3 c! ?8 y. M4 s, e5 ]8 o* E! O
  • Poke Stops: Pokemon Go游戏里的补给站,玩家去这里刷道具、收集小精灵
  • Pokemon gym: 游戏里的擂台,可以到里面选队、攻擂
  • Poke ball: 游戏里的精灵球,抓口袋妖怪的必备道具
  • Monsters: 怪兽
    - }. U$ ~% Z4 i3 K: i
; I  W+ v) w: G9 X9 t# o) L: p
; {+ l1 p5 m6 n$ m0 p. s4 j* Z+ o, `+ N! T% _* G
Pokemon Go引发美国治安问题

8 D7 t5 C/ N0 `' _" x0 ~
; K" F. `% D. y2 Q9 {
The game is causing a lot of safety concerns: 这个游戏也引发了很多安全问题
There are some criminals utilizing the game by luring players to rob them: 比如有罪犯利用游戏引诱玩家到一个地方,然后打劫他们
8 Q% f. Y! L$ R1 M# `; O
Some people are putting themselvs and others in danger because they are not watching their steps or are driving while playing:  也有玩家别走边玩、边开车边玩,对自己、对他人都很危险
! J5 m' j: Z# k" w0 e$ K

- x9 Y( n" h2 X- k( h
Pokemon Goer, Pokefan: Pokemon Go的粉丝
Is this going to be a flash in the pan or here to stay? 它只是昙花一现还是能禁得起时间的考验?
In any case, the Pokemon franchise has over 20 years of history: 不管怎么说,Pokemon这个系列已经有20多年历史了0 y4 h' i) k4 j" e! m! t: Q

' S/ _; U* u  MIt's a super popular global franchise: 是受全球欢迎的系列
3 v! B. x, m9 X/ I*中国今年特别流行说IP (Intellectula Property: 指有知识产权的原创内容), 不过英语里更多会用franchise这个词来表达*
' f- s; i/ ~+ A7 W
8 X1 R: @! R! X8 Q( A
( g  A* ^- t0 E& l7 ^6 ], _; X
  • 听众里,有没有玩过Pokemon Go的?
  • 说实话,对于我们在中国玩儿不到这款游戏的,真的有点难体会为什么美国人对它那么着迷;
  • 不过希望大家听了身在美国的Jason亲口描述,对美国正在发生的事情有更直观的感受;
  • 稍后另一期节目,Jason会跟我们聊聊美国人、特别是年轻人对特朗普、希拉里对决的看法,敬请期待。
    1 H2 q& g0 E2 |) k7 N0 c) `+ ?

! w: ^+ P; O$ x) J# E2 A7 f- u# F5 M
明天8月第一天,也是我们微信辅导班、口语营开班!, q% i3 S0 t8 {2 N9 _" s- R
. J6 D% _2 K" V/ _% ?/ r: Y口语营已满额;辅导班大家可以继续报名,详情请看今天第二篇推送。8 s9 m: ?) @9 d$ V3 V8 @6 T

2 n# s9 F0 z8 R/ {0 C
8 [6 H4 ^) M9 I3 o; p6 f希望天气不要继续热下去了; May the heat stop soon!
! K' R% ^- l5 k- U2 M
- Q& Q/ O) z5 D) t

转载请保留当前帖子的链接:https://www.beimeilife.com/thread-38377-1-1.html 谢谢

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