The public transportation system is more developed on the east coast: 东岸的公共交通比较发达
Everything is very spread out on the west coast, so people tend to drive around: 西岸通畅各个地方相隔的比较远,所以大多数人选择开车出行
At many intersections in the States, you have to push a button before crossing the street, otherwise the light will never turn green: 美国很多十字路口过街前要先按按钮,不然永远都不会亮绿灯
pedestrian: 行人 The word "walker" reminds Adam of the TV series "The Walking Dead": 说到walker,Adam会想到《行尸走肉》这部美剧 For me, I think of the "white walkers" in the GoT: 我会想到《权力的游戏》里面那些“异鬼” He's a walker/runner/jogger: 他很喜欢走路/跑步/慢跑
A walker can as be a device that helps the elderly walk more steadily: 助行器可以帮助老年人走得更稳 cane: 拐杖 pedestrian street: 步行街
Are there more jaywalkers in China than in the United States?: 中国乱穿马路的人比美国多吗? In many places, jaywalking isn't necessarily illegal, but definitely frowned upon: 在很多地方,乱穿马路并不违法,不过会遭人鄙视
Have you ever taken a bus here in China?: 你有在中国坐过公车吗?
It's so crowded here on the bus: 这公交车上挤死了 We feel like sardines in a can: 挤得跟沙丁鱼罐头一样 It's packed here:好挤啊 The train is jam-packed with people: 这个火车上人超多超级挤 John jammed another two shirts into his alreayd packed suitcase: John往他已经装满了的箱子里又塞了两件寄衣服 In China, the bus always stops at every staiton: 中国的公交每站必停 In North Amerca, if you want to get off the bus, you always have to pull the stop cable or push the stop button: 在北美,下车前你要拉一下绳或者按一下停车扭示意司机你下站下 terminal station/final stop: 终点站
metro: 地铁 (最早是从metropolitan这个词变过来的)
subway: 地铁
underground: 地铁在英国的叫法
tube: 伦敦的地铁
In San Francisco, the metro is called BART, which is short for Bay Area Rapid Transit: 旧金山的地铁叫做BART, 意思是湾区快速公交 It's worth noting that when it comes to the subway in NYC, "downtown" means "southward" instead of the center of the city : 在纽约地铁上“downtown”指“往城南方向” (uptown就是往城北)
Canadians use kilometers, while Americnas use miles: 加拿大用千米,美国人用的是英里
One mile is the equivalent of roughly 1.6 kilometers: 一英里差不多是1.6千米
foot/feet: 英尺
inch/inches: 英寸
yard/yards: 一码
If you use Google Maps, you can change the measurement from "mile" to "kilometer" in settings: 如果你用谷歌地图,可以在设置里把度量单位从英里改成千米 如果你在美国开车,那你首先要搞清在美国有哪些路:
urban roads: 城市道路
highway: 高速公路
freeway/expressway: 也是高速公路,口语里基本跟highway混着用了,具体不同
toll road/toll bridge: 收费路段/收费大桥
Urban roads have a speed limit of 25 miles per hour in California: 加州城市道路限速25英里每小时 Freeways and expressways usually have multiple lanes: Freeway和expressway一般车道比较多 “Golden Gate Bridge tolls to increase starting Friday”: 金门大桥周五起过路费上调
Street (St)
Avenue (Ave)
Place (Pl)
Court (Ct)
Drive (Dr)
Boulevard (Blvd) ……
One of the best known drives around the world in the Palm Drive, which is the main street the Stanford campus: 一条很有名的drive就是斯坦福校园里的主干道——棕榈树大道 One of Green Day's biggest hits is Boulevard of Broken Dreams: Green Day最红的歌之一就是Boulevard of Broken Dreams