
[食材料理] 10分钟让硬如岩石的Avocado变得熟透可餐

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发表于 2016-4-25 03:54 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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太简单了:锡纸包裹放到放到预热设置93°C or 200°F的烤箱10分钟。( _7 i3 {2 h' N: B* L4 V
# h' i' t  s) g1 N, [$ i( v# Y' a

, L2 z9 J. U+ l+ y2 U: u& cThis week, the internet’s been going wild over a well-reported food hack that’s said to ripen avocados in 10 minutes.
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$ h! s; k* u2 e; F5 j2 R
Thinkstock/ L$ w- d, I4 k0 o

Seriously, it’s been everywhere.

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4 E0 Z. G/ _* u( T, {& c
The method is pretty simple. Apparently, all you need to do is tightly wrap your avocado in foil and bake for 10 minutes in a 93°C or 200°F oven.

I decided to give it a whirl. Because honestly, there’s nothing more frustrating than getting stuck with a hard avo when you’re really craving one.

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* k0 C, w4 ]& T1 a! Y
Naturally, the first step in my experiment was to go buy two rock-hard avos: one for baking and the other for comparison.* R% C2 u$ }8 s) p% q: R9 X

All images taken by Gyan Yankovich

2 [. d% i: t, K0 }9 Y" O$ r

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" b* w% [- Z" d2 b

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/ L* c# q/ J8 d7 Q$ J0 x
  c1 P0 i$ {, @% L7 }8 [

Today, you could get two equally hard avocados for $4AUD, which is a bloody good deal. The other day I literally paid $5AUD for ONE at my local grocer. Though I’m not sure whether this indicates how good avos are or how bad I am at managing my money.

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% I  I1 y% w4 D3 t& |+ fAfter pre-heating the oven, I wrapped my test avo tightly in foil and popped it inside.
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( Q8 L4 M* F7 y  \

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2 }. T: W7 S6 k5 S
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. `# ?: b  R9 Q+ w; U

$ X4 n; Z" T3 Z7 ?' f) C, L. U' g# n" K

I set the timer for 10 minutes. The excitement was palpable.

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2 N3 {9 ]: d( u' q2 aWhen the timer sounded I removed my precious experiment from the oven and found it was still cool enough to hold.
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9 Z1 {- O6 O  F0 l* C7 p# S0 ]  U5 G: v! i; C0 y
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& ]/ k8 Q5 ?8 d; X  m+ j$ w  K* S5 K8 s! s& x( e6 I

I gently unwrapped it, finding that it still looked like a regular old unripe avo. I’m not sure what I was expecting tbh.

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, O* M& r, K% m8 j

6 T6 o# S8 a" w7 L2 C! w+ `My main concern going into this experiment was that the avocado would end up hot, which would be extremely gross.
8 a$ o' [) ^6 W5 V, G7 h; B

' u" ~* c: s' B2 V; q

It was a little gooier than usual, but it was relatively cool, which was good.

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! c# {. X! X- s, r+ _+ E: _
Now, you’re just going to have to trust me on this one, but the baked avo really was softer than the regular one, especially around the edges.
2 [3 l( `, Y$ ]- V

9 d2 m' E9 B% s2 @! IGyan Yankovich
. t/ Q& X' @  {- L1 `

I will admit, it still wasn’t like cutting into a perfectly ripe avocado, but this hack made it edible at the very least.

4 ]/ X$ q& L( F( T5 r! b- w& q

0 t3 Y  b. w. Y# q2 S9 ySo, there you go! This 10-minute trick is actually kind of great for anyone who doesn’t mind their avocados a little warm around the edges.3 G0 {/ M- ~+ Z% T  [+ d/ j

  C* J6 V# A" |& N$ N# }5 K1 t" p  F5 R+ {
3 l$ H+ B* s& R9 Z  d: c3 n( C
5 s8 m5 [2 }# \# E& E( r; f6 Q9 F

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