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发表于 2015-10-13 11:53 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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1 |" h) }1 w4 K! N  Mhttps://www.beimeilife.com/portal.php?mod=topic&topicid=19; _4 h- `. R# Y

* l. l6 R. c- N- I* P
7 B, Q! a% q( }# I. ~/ S" sInstagram 是现今世界范围内迅速成长的积“微摄影”,“微信”与“微博”功能于一体的又一个互联网微社区, 其成长速度令人惊讶。
9 ]5 r# B: E+ L$ E' o# L& s4 L
. z0 L% y/ C7 x1 U本站积极参与,设置其热门主题--“时尚/美食/潮流/设计”为主导搜索引擎,每时每刻更新。
. g0 B) v/ I( V, U6 Y9 ^5 c% ?+ ]" d
. S: I9 [& w/ L* \5 X
设立 Insta时尚头条,Insta设计头条, Insta美食头条, Insta时装头条。 0 x) ~3 F. _7 A3 [% w* E

0 @& S' r2 D# H' `( [板块刚刚建立, 仍然需要完善。
6 R; X2 k5 p$ S' v6 C. n9 |' e# d1 l4 a" b1 |
敬请宝贵意见,谢谢欣赏。1 W, A9 Y: q7 g  L( L, M

; q( Q7 ^6 K- G7 w# D3 c6 G5 n
2 X" k  b8 |# J# D( A北美生活网
0 q% C- U$ l) U4 b1 z2 V8 f2 G6 ]- I/ r* D* s
& }/ ~* v& X8 n7 Z* X
5 P# ?. i+ ~9 O; F( c# Y6 B6 B) S: y
% \; x. c' r2 i( D' D( L, @/ P! p

转载请保留当前帖子的链接:https://www.beimeilife.com/thread-2315-1-1.html 谢谢
发表于 2015-10-23 18:30 | 只看该作者
这个周末如果有时间,将修改“Insta头条”代码, 使用instafeed.js完全代替第三方plugin widget.
0 a4 \6 G9 _+ L( @" s! v0 k  X6 x0 u0 j6 Q' o) N
http://instafeedjs.com/4 L6 k" D  U7 K/ ~8 r& i1 i5 l
    5 ]7 i, x# t* e! x& w8 {  Q
& ^. z" ]; A7 o: C) w

9 p6 R1 Z- q- c; F
发表于 2015-11-12 19:39 | 只看该作者
丰富了Pinterest 和 Instagram  内容:
# `/ a% ~- N: A+ ^" O, o
- t# T' E* m' L" I& j) D  }
  • https://www.beimeilife.com/portal.php?mod=topic&topicid=19
  • https://www.beimeilife.com/portal.php?mod=topic&topicid=29
  • https://www.beimeilife.com/portal.php?mod=topic&topicid=30
  • https://www.beimeilife.com/portal.php?mod=topic&topicid=32
  • https://www.beimeilife.com/portal.php?mod=topic&topicid=33
  • https://www.beimeilife.com/portal.php?mod=topic&topicid=34
  • https://www.beimeilife.com/portal.php?mod=topic&topicid=35
  • https://www.beimeilife.com/portal.php?mod=topic&topicid=31( }# O4 f! }7 R$ Q
! a' t2 `: k% _* y8 ~1 W) l

( p+ `9 w8 ]0 o  Q. ]/ X
3 u+ r; r6 o* ^9 S
) K7 r9 T% E" _0 U, b
发表于 2016-9-29 15:38 | 只看该作者
https://www.quora.com/How-do-websites-embed-an-instagram-feed-on-their-pages" U7 U$ Z- h3 Y# K2 P

8 l' H6 U' Y( `5 O0 u7 l7 Since Instagram change it’s API policy it a lot harder for third-party developers to gain full access to its application program interface. The best way is to use product that has been approved by instagram.7 P; x6 K2 ^. f# {
$ Z2 l- f2 O& k. U" ?& G
You can try Engagehub by 4screens - using this tool you can not only capture user generated content in one place to boost engagement rates of your website but also power your hashtag campaigns
2 u- U' D& w1 h7 b! \/ F& W6 y( a* |* X$ P, D
You can capture not only posts from instagram but also from facebook and twitter.$ Z* N! H" P- y/ Q! {7 `
7 ~* [2 v) H0 p/ [
# P+ ~2 x* }( h9 Z
看来Instagram 依旧不可嵌入, 也许觉得被受够了, 不在乎了。 也好放弃,专心于 Pinterest.

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