
[且听且看(音视频)] 英语美文朗读: 在最美的时候你遇见了谁

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发表于 2017-1-22 04:27 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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" Q7 {! h+ {% A- G! H

* r8 O' e& x3 _  Z

( M- @+ i# V; k9 _5 ]  F4 b

Looking back on those previous issues, those loves just like some meteors highlight our life. We always like to scale of our destiny making us separation. But actually the real truth which affects us is the opportunities of we meeting or feeling in love with each other. Between a male and a female , laden with a great deal of changes. Alittle change could change the final direction.

: r9 n# c8 ^/ A. _; X) w' B


) X; R6 e0 o1 X. A# J

If we recognize each other earlier, maybe some of us can’t tie the finger with other else, or recognize later, till us had learned how to consider and take care of the other, perhaps as we held our hand tightly, we would never loose it again.

9 s/ M: l' i" ^1 {8 N


+ y" C3 N# ?- g

If you love someone but can’t get together with him or her, except to treasure a drop of tear from your inner heart and go away without a word, what else can we choose?

* J( w$ C" s, }9 I! m# A


4 q& `  z8 Y& G( y- [

Among thousands and hundreds of people, we could encounter our lover. It’s really a destiny! And more, we just miss and miss between each other. After so much sigh and grief again and again, we finally understand that even a couple of lover, also need the time to come to temper .

" I9 a3 u4 Z$ o# l7 d% U+ L


: L8 x  k% w! P* W& N

This wild world has so many changes and separation that couldn’t been predicated, maybe we would miss each other in a lifetime just for turning around. Since till some years later, We just could know all our efforts can not beat down a God’s joke.

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$ O- L4 P% f1 n( p& {4 X

It’s  helplessas you meet a guy who is not right for you in an unsuitable moment. It’s the sigh as you meet a guy who is right for you in a unsuitable moment. It’s sad as you meet a guy who is not right for you in a suitable moment. It’s happy as you meet a guy who is right for you in a suitable moment.
$ i( P( s" K9 [- J2 D





6 r/ A+ _+ V2 P; x- S: W1 p- B' U


meteor ['mitɪɚ] n.流星

separation [,sɛpə'reʃən] n. 分离, 隔开

laden ['ledn]adj. 负载的, 装满的 vt/vi  装载 (相当于lade[led])

encounter [ɪn'kaʊntɚ] vt/vi/n  邂逅, 偶然遇见

grief [ɡrif] n. 悲伤, 不幸

predicate ['prɛdɪkət] vt. 断言, 预定

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