
[且听且看(音视频)] 妙! 地道又好记的英语押韵短语

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发表于 2016-12-12 02:30 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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Hello, welcome to the show!
Are you ready to go?
; p) [; C% ~1 [: Z) v' e" y
Wow, 好押韵!
5 Z: a3 N* M( y3 \( M3 Y5 }8 N8 l

+ q" D0 @% z1 c& Q  Y4 o
Music: Let's Get Lost by Chet Baker
! @6 I$ }5 u$ @: N/ b' ~

7 S$ }$ [2 N, k4 y' e$ [
" f7 p! K4 ?0 Z, V8 w9 I: \
Rhyme: 押韵
/ A. N. H3 I! z$ ?% n9 ~
I'm rhyming: 我说的是押韵的
It rhymes: 这句话押韵
Let's talk about some really useful and interesting rhyming phrases: 我们说说实用、有意思的押韵短语
Okey-dokey! Ok的意思,是个押韵的小短语
+ B; }3 _. p3 _' m9 b6 x' F9 d
#1. Lovey-dovey
( W  M( o+ ]! c' V+ n
$ v8 H7 L9 d7 x3 }9 V) ]

( L- u% f# v* {; x
Lovey-dovey:  卿卿我我、甜甜蜜蜜
A boy and a girl in love are so lovey-dovey: 男生女生恋爱,好甜蜜
Lovey is from love; What about dovey? Dove?  Lovey是来自love,那dovey呢?和鸽子有关系吗?
Don't overthink it. It just rhymes: 不要深入分析,没有什么逻辑,就是押韵
7 f" y0 o$ Z# J# i. a! m$ z
  • Chick-flicks are so lovey-dovey: 女生爱看的电影都是甜甜秘密的
    6 w# w0 w' ~& y  g  |$ {
  • Look at them. They're so lovey-dovey: 看他俩,好甜蜜
    1 c! z7 a7 ~' y0 @, _; ]
  • I'm not very good with the lovey-dovey stuff: 我不擅长甜甜蜜蜜的东西
      `: P1 s5 {. ?6 K
  • Guys are not so lovey-dovey. They might be more willy-nilly: 男生没那么甜蜜,他们比较willy-nilly ⬇️
    & c& h  H7 t: K0 c+ {8 N% F: B7 B" C
3 w; u8 E( b* ?/ P0 I" v7 O6 v: r
#2. Willy-nilly

- |& N3 U9 z9 G7 l3 E
Willy-nilly: 说到哪儿是哪儿,想怎么就怎么,随意、不认真
It's like being flaky: 意思和不靠谱差不多
5 q& J/ ]3 F8 e+ b6 N* r
To describe a person: 形容人
  • You can't rely on him. He is very willy-nilly: 他靠不住,做事特别随意" `: r8 h) f4 m2 D
    - W; E& E. Y/ e" \: V
To describe a situation: 形容情况
  • You need to plan. You can't be willy-nilly about it: 你做事要计划,不能那么随随便便4 ]8 _# Y; I6 ^1 z  n- _! T  M
    4 ?1 L7 z" R' `5 v! x7 M
" }6 v( H$ `% e. I
#3. Chick-flick
Chick-flick: 专打女生市场的电影
Chick means a young girl: chick形容年轻的女孩儿9 A* t& Z9 r0 T; H( U& B9 e
It's not the most respectful term for a woman, but not too bad: 这个词不是太尊重,但也不算太不礼貌, 跟中文的“小妞儿”差不多
Flick is a movie: flick是电影的意思
Rom-com (romantic comedy): 浪漫喜剧

, T! Y& [8 L1 |
Ok, let's go over some inspirational quotes!
' B6 h# |+ R4 H' a( `9 S
#4. No pain, no gain.
+ z! B& t) J' {+ m4 g& T  A
No pain, no gain: 没有付出,就没有收获1 D4 K& [8 x3 q& j, s1 G- @4 W- c" o
$ m; S6 v. q/ B1 l9 i( e- \9 E
If you work out, you're not going to gain muscles without the pain: 健身的朋友,如果没有付出,练不出肌肉
The pain is not necessarily painful:这里的pain不一定是痛苦
It means you're very driven. You work hard towards your goals: 意思是你很有动力、刻苦努力地朝目标迈进
The reward you get at the end is more than worth it: 最后得到的奖赏非常值得

) p: x8 n; Y* v
#5. Talk the talk, walk the walk.
1 u% f5 y. ?$ x# E

% T2 s4 y5 s' A: k+ e
# \8 |' O% r6 J2 z0 c3 A
7 g* C, J* L" Q, r# Q3 U- w
  • Talk the talk: 这句褒义的意思是说话要体面、得体。贬义的意思是只会说,不会做+ E/ A& D( Z/ _% S: n& g. B6 P6 P% v
  • Walk the walk: 要付诸行动
    6 }& P- U3 W9 g( q/ d
  • Talk the talk, walk the walk:言行一致
    , S5 z+ b7 Z0 h: M5 C
9 m- r$ U8 `6 G  @/ y/ o# k
You can't just talk the talk, you need to walk the walk: 不能光嘴上说,一定要有行动
  M# d6 r" \3 J
#6. Fake it till you make it.
8 a' t# T* d) ?1 Q; p% E4 M
) N3 ]* A& n3 j4 d  {

/ @0 v" |( t& r/ |' o
Fake it till you make it: 假装直到你可以
You hear this phrase a lot in the corporate world: 这句在职场上用的很多
It means if you are not confident, pretend that you are, eventually you will be that way: 意思是如果你没有那么自信,那先“假装”,你最后会变成自己想要的样子
To encourage and inspire: 鼓励、激发
& a: C% X% X/ }: O5 J' A
#7. If you can make it there,
you can make it anywhere!
; F+ G7 p/ H6 \
6 v' K: K/ d9 X( m$ |0 B0 `
If you can make it there, you can make it anywhere:  如果你能在那儿成功,那你就能在世界任何一个地方成功
This phrase is often used to describe New York: 这句话最常用来形容纽约
But it perfectly describes Shanghai, Beijing, etc. anywhere competitive:  但是形容上海、北京也很贴切,总之任何竞争激烈的地方
Make it: 做到了
It means success, but not only in terms of money: make it的意思是成功,但不只是金钱上的
It's about overcoming challenges: 更意味着克服苦难、克服挑战
  • Yes, I made it!
    ( N4 F% ^! j$ b
  • We finally made it!
    7 M0 B$ p; M" t( }
    7 A9 O3 q9 T7 K, K( I
A sense of achievement and accomplishment: 成就感

0 t! d5 {* y* c$ z' O
Non-sensical rhyming phrases

7 ~2 s* n& ?" O7 F% T# [
#8 See you later alligator | In a while crocodile
; K% X0 L+ ^- B. m( W3 k9 S2 L
American kids love these: 美国小朋友特别爱说这两句
  • See you later alligator:鳄鱼一会儿见
    0 \/ L& O6 `# c

    ) r( ~0 Y. b$ z( \3 ?& D9 Y
  • In a while crocodile: 同上
    5 Z3 J+ ^7 a' {( `
    : q4 C8 x0 ~2 J9 b
*Adam节目里说的是After a while crocodile, 也可以。*
8 t6 z0 l( a4 c2 _! o4 u
Use these when you say good bye to a child: 跟小朋友说再见的时候,可以用这两句
Alligator: 鳄鱼,确切的说是短吻鳄
Crocodile: 鳄鱼
Teach your kids and have fun with them! 教你的宝贝说吧。下次说再见的时候,可以用起来哦
Can you use them with adults? Maybe your loved one if you want to be lovey-dovey: 这两句可以跟大人说吗?可以跟你的爱人说,听起来很甜蜜
#9. Holy guacamole!
+ Y7 X2 r7 H5 I# X
Guacamole is a Mexican sauce made from avocado: guacamole是墨西哥菜的一种酱,用牛油果做的
This phrase expresses surprise: 这句话用来表示惊讶、吃惊
意思和Oh My God差不多
  • Holy moly!! }2 s2 v0 I0 _6 F8 a
  • Holy moly guacamole!
    3 [- }2 o6 D8 w4 ]) B5 K+ Z! B
    & S  M" L6 s3 z$ a
1 a" k9 i, U( n
#10. Arty-farty | Hoity-toity

5 ]; p% x  u% P! l* g" s+ @: r- H8 U( i
  • Arty-farty: arty来自art, 艺术。这句短语通常用来形容很小众的文艺作品,大众不懂。 不过这个说法比较滑头,不适合正式场合用2 T- b% ^9 G: u0 h. x& Q/ T
  • Hoity-toity:同来形容高冷、看不起别人的人! v6 r3 J! k1 Y* R% d4 t3 E

    ( p& c1 Q( u+ ]" \* m" i& A. V

: w" X0 a9 d6 s
#11. 吃吃喝喝、招待应酬  ?0 x% T3 O" l- @
0 s% s$ |, }6 Z& E
Wine and dine: 喝美酒、吃美食
  • It's Friday night! Time to wine and dine!  周五晚上,是时候出去吃喝享受了!5 p9 j1 x0 V: e, N% H1 M4 _
  • There's a lot of wining and dining when you do business in China: 在中国做生意,少不了吃喝应酬
    9 ~1 @* [: w0 \

* g5 `2 S6 {6 S6 k/ ~

5 G# I$ n& t2 f: h" z# W: z" e
内容更细致,学习更全面!  R$ l* U  D. X0 I) }3 H; a

( E: W( r* Q- H& j: h9 L9 O
1 D) m( b. @- o8 y

: D1 K) u% E. O+ v: Z( e
) P, y7 T. n1 Z! ?

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发表于 2016-12-14 14:50 | 只看该作者

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