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北美保健品全攻略【2】9 G$ R/ U; K7 b% X7 E
Kirkland Signature™ Super Concentrate Omega - 3 1150mg -- 300 Softgels
【产品名称】可兰超级浓缩 Omega-3鱼油(1150毫克) 新版改良配方深海鱼油,含omega3脂肪酸含量更高,EPA含量更高 【产品产地】加拿大 【产品规格】300粒/瓶
【建议用量】 19岁以上成人:每天1次,每次2粒。 类风湿关节炎:每天2次,每次2粒。
【产品含量】 每粒含深海浓缩鱼油(凤尾鱼,沙丁鱼和鲭鱼) 1150毫克 Omega-3脂肪酸 720毫克 其中含 EPA 440毫克,DHA 280毫克
【产品说明】 OMEGA-3是人体必需脂肪酸, 在体内转化成长链脂肪酸 EPA和DHA,必需脂肪酸是每个细胞膜的主要构成成分,人体机体的每一种功能都依赖必需脂肪酸的作用。
OMEGA脂肪主要的生理功能包括:调节胆固醇和三酸甘油脂的新陈代谢;制造EICOSANOIDS和前列腺素;保护神经和组织;强化心血管系统;保持皮肤和头发健康;减轻肿胀和炎症;帮助大脑和眼睛的正常发育及功能。 OMEGA 必需脂肪酸缺乏或不平衡与多种健康问题有关,包括类风湿和风湿性关节炎、肺损伤、心脏不正常、动脉硬化、糖尿病、免疫功能低下、激素和内分泌不平衡、皮肤炎症、大肠炎、学习障碍、视力减退等。全球科学研究皆表明,由亚麻仁和鱼体提取的OMEGA-3油能改善神经、心血管、胃肠道、呼吸、生殖和免疫系统功能。OMEGA-3脂肪也能减轻过敏性炎症反应,并保持荷尔蒙平衡和皮肤健康。
【超级浓缩 Omega-3鱼油的功能】 -降低血脂、胆固醇和调节血压,有效防治心血管疾病。 -防止血栓形成和中风,预防老年痴呆症。 -增强视网膜的反射能力,预防中老年人视力退化。 -提高记忆力、缓解抑郁症、抑制癌细胞的生长。 -有助于增强体力并改善皮肤质量、构成大脑和神经细胞重要成分,增强智力。 -调节内分泌,前列腺素合成前体,对抗关节炎等多种炎症。 -促进婴幼儿大脑及眼睛的发育。
【超级浓缩 Omega-3鱼油英文说明】
Helps support cardiovascular health and brain function Enteric-coated Super Concentrate Omega-3 (EPA 440 mg, DHA 280 mg) provide twice as much heart-healthy omega-3 than regular 180:120 ratio fish oils. Omega-3 fatty acids are crucial in supporting cardiovascular health, brain function as well reducing triglycerides levels in our body. In conjunction with conventional therapy, omega-3 helps reduce the pain of rheumatoid arthritis. The general North American diet is deficient in omega-3 essential fatty acids. Ocean fish oils provide ready-made EPA and DHA, in optimal amounts. Enteric coating on these softgels reduces the usual unpleasant fishy aftertaste common with ordinary fish oil capsules. A small amount of vitamin E has been added to prevent oxidation.
Features and Benefits:
* Enteric coating for less fishy aftertaste * Each softgel contains 440 mg of EPA and 280 mg of DHA * EPA provides anti-inflammatory and anti-thrombotic (anti-blood clotting) benefits * DHA lowers the risk of age-related depression and contributes to eye health * Ultra-purified (molecularly distilled) to remove impurities such as PCBs, dioxins, mercury, lead, cadmium and arsenic NPN #80066379
Adult Dosage (19 Years And Older): 1-2 softgels daily or as directed by a physician For Triglycerides/Triacylglycerols: 2-4 softgels daily or as directed by a physician For Rheumatoid arthritis: 4 softgels daily or as directed by a physician
Servings: 75-300 days depending on dosage
Cautions and Warnings: Keep out of reach of children. Do not use if seal under cap is broken. Consult a physician prior to use if you are taking blood thinners or have a compromised immune system
Storage Condtions: Keep at room temperature in a dark dry place
Holista® Bee Propolis 500 mg -- 180 Capsules
【产品名称】Holista 高浓度蜂胶胶囊(500毫克) 【产品产地】加拿大 【产品规格】180粒/瓶
【建议用量】每天1粒 【产品含量】天然蜜蜂胶浓缩500毫克(2:1)浓缩相当于1000毫克蜂胶。
【产品注意事项】 存储:请放置在阴凉干燥处。 警告和预防措施:如果对蜜蜂、蜜蜂产品、杨树树产品或秘鲁香脂过敏请不要使用,如果怀孕或哺乳期请不要使用。
【高浓度蜂胶胶囊的功能】 - 增加抵抗力:蜂胶对众多细菌、真菌具有抑制作用,是一种天然广谱抗生物质。 - 帮助调节血糖:蜂胶非常适合糖尿病患者,蜂胶中含有胰蛋白酶等多种活性酶和其他抗病毒物质,能修复胰脏机能,同时,蜂胶中含有的B族维生素,能成为胰脏制造胰岛素的原料。
- 保护心血管: 蜂胶中的黄酮类物质具有很强的抗氧化能力,可以减少过氧化脂质对血管的危害,改善微循环和血管的弹性和渗透性。因此中老年人经常食用蜂胶,对心脑血管有很好的保护。 - 消化系统: 蜂胶能在粘膜上形成一层酸不能渗透的薄膜。多数患者食用蜂胶后止痛,胃分泌机能恢复正常。蜂胶对口腔也很有好处。
- 营养皮肤: 蜂胶抗菌作用强,局部止血止痛快,能改善皮下组织血液循环,促使上皮组织增生和肉芽生长,促进伤口愈合。同时蜂胶还可以营养皮肤,保护皮肤不受酸碱等化学物质伤害。 - 护肤:蜂胶是一种既可服用又能外用的护肤佳品,它对细胞代谢有活化作用。促进皮下组织血液循环,使肌肤红润光洁,富有弹性。蜂胶健肤护肤还可直接外用。
Bee propolis is a resinous substance collected from plants by bees that used to seal and sterilize their hives. It contains vitamins, minerals, amino acids and bioflavonoids, which are active ingredients and known for having healing properties. Bee propolis is used as an antioxidant and a natural antibiotic to help maintain and improve one’s health.
Features and Benefits:
- Antioxidant for maintenance of good health - Traditionally used as an antibacterial agent to support immune system - Contains vitamins, minerals, amino acids and bioflavonoids. - NPN 80025792
- Adults: 1 capsule daily or as recommended by a physician - Consult a physician for use beyond 1 month
Servings: 360 days
Warnings and Precautions:
- Do not take if allergic or hypersensitive to bees, bee products, poplar tree products or balsam of Peru - Do not use if pregnant or breastfeeding - Keep out of reach of children
Storage: For product freshness, protect from heat and humidity
webber naturals® Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulfate -- 300 Capsules
【产品名称】伟博天然硫酸氨基葡萄糖维骨力软骨素胶囊300粒 【产品产地】加拿大 【产品规格】300粒/瓶
【建议用量】 每日3次,每次1粒,随餐服用(最少坚持服用4周以上) 【产品含量】
维持关节软骨组织:硫酸氨基葡萄糖(Glucosamine Sulfate) -- 500毫克 作为关节润滑剂:硫酸软骨素(Chondroitin Sulfate) -- 400毫克
【产品注意事项】 孕妇及哺乳期妇女禁食;高血压及糖尿病患者,服用前请咨询医生;本产品提取自海洋生物,对甲壳类动物敏感的人,服用前请咨询医生。
【伟博天然硫酸氨基葡萄糖维骨力软骨素胶囊适用人群】 适用于受关节肿胀、疼痛、畸形、退化退型、及肩周炎、骨质增生(骨刺)、颈腰椎肥大、腰腿酸痛等症困扰的人。对于中老年朋友、伏案工作者、经常用电脑的人、司机、运动员、按摩师等,它有很好的保养关节、脊椎、韧带或预防相关职业病、老化病的作用。
【伟博天然硫酸氨基葡萄糖维骨力软骨素胶囊说明】 本品由两种改善关节脊椎的物质(氨基葡萄糖 + 软骨素)配制而成,这两种复合配方交互作用,比单一配方的关节灵(氨基葡萄糖)更有效,更实惠。适用于缓解和预防全身所有部位的骨关节炎,包括膝关节、肩关节、髋关节、手腕关节、颈及脊椎关节和踝关节等。可缓解和消除骨关节炎的疼痛、肿胀等症状,改善关节活动功能。 本产品适用于身体关节的部分:手、手腕、膝、背、脖子、臀部、脚踝和脚。它不象一般的止痛药只能给患者短暂的舒缓,它可刺激磨损的软骨结缔组织生长,有益于重建流失的软骨,增加软骨的保水性,以减少关节硬骨的相互摩擦。
【伟博天然硫酸氨基葡萄糖维骨力软骨素胶囊特点】 1、从根本上抑制骨关节炎的发病机理,阻断骨关节炎的致病进程。 2、对关节软骨有亲和力,能“靶向”弥散到关节软骨,有效成分直达病灶。 3、止痛、消除肿胀:骨骼中的神经很少,因此疼痛都是来自纤维组织。 4、减轻肌肉麻痹、腿部麻痹。 5、不含盐酸盐和钠盐杂质,适用于心血管病和肾病患者。 6、分子量小,具有很强的穿透力,能够迅速进入到细胞内部。 7、天然的氨基单糖,能选择性地作用于骨关节炎。
【伟博天然硫酸氨基葡萄糖维骨力软骨素胶囊功效】 1、干扰并阻断关节炎病理过程、缓解疼痛肿胀、消除增生、矫正畸形、改善活动能力、延缓骨骼衰老;抑制关节炎的发病机理。 2、加速软骨细胞的修复和再生,提供关节建造、修补、软骨组织、肌腱、韧带的主要材料。 3、刺激软骨弹性组织的修复、再造、预防软骨失去弹性。 4、控制滑膜分泌液的平衡,避免关节枯萎。 5、减轻关节发炎,舒解神经炎、韧带炎、肌腱炎、减轻坐骨神经痛。 6、减轻坐骨神经痛。
The aches and stiffness of osteoarthritis don’t need to be an inevitable part of aging. Ease your pain with naturally sourced Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulfate. These joint care superstars help relieve pain associated with osteoarthritis as well as maintaining long term joint and cartilage health. Helps Relieve Joint Pain Associated with Osteoarthritis - Helps relieve joint pain associated with osteoarthritis - Protects against cartilage deterioration - Maintains joint and cartilage health - Premium glucosamine sulfate product - Easy to swallow Take steps towards healthier joints with webber naturals Joint Ease® Glucosamine Chondroitin. Joint Ease® helps relieve joint pain due to osteoarthritis, protects cartilage, and maintains joint health. The naturally sourced formula helps protect against cartilage breakdown, and because glucosamine and chondroitin are vital building blocks for connective tissue, it helps promote healthy cartilage. Cartilage is the smooth padding that keeps the bones in your joints sliding easily over one another. As you age, or as a result of injury, the cartilage in your joints wears down, causing the bones to rub against one another and leading to pain and inflammation. The aching joints caused by osteoarthritis interfere with quality of life, making it hard for you to do the things you love. In a trial known as the “Glucosamine/Chondroitin Arthritis Intervention Trial (GAIT)”, the largest study of its kind, glucosamine chondroitin sulfate was shown to relieve pain in moderate to severe cases of osteoarthritis of the knee. By providing the right support, you may enjoy healthier joints, increased mobility, and less discomfort in all phases of life. Combined, the unique functions of glucosamine and chondroitin offer optimal benefits for healthy joints. Joint Ease® Glucosamine Chondroitin Sulfate offers both these promoters of joint health in a convenient, easy to swallow capsule. |