
[俚语口语口音] 我真的觉得这个中国留学生不是在“辱华”

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发表于 2017-5-23 02:58 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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  u4 L* u& W* I4 y2 X

7 c4 Z0 X. l+ s
近日,网络上一段一位中国留学生的毕业演讲视频在迅速流传。在马里兰大学的毕业典礼上,这位名叫Yang Shuping的中国留学生在全校师生面前讲出了一段惊人言论。
# t- `4 x% u- G' ~
0 K9 ?5 I& b4 m/ l) ?: S

6 p3 v6 S; Z; A9 {8 ~" S这位留学生的演讲重点讨论了空气与自由的问题,对比了中国与美国的空气情况,还有感受到了美国的自由民主文化。
0 X) R- m- a" y8 X3 _: j
People often ask me: Why did you come to the University of Maryland?
I always answer:  Fresh air.
( r* c+ V) n0 @' c' U) m+ m/ ^
+ E" Q; M& f8 @0 c1 q$ C9 ]7 \
The air was so sweet and fresh, and oddly luxurious.

9 x+ I% H( v0 z, M- R

# C3 v$ s4 V/ K& m0 ]& k! ^/ K7 A
I was surprised by this. I grew up in a city in China, where I had to wear a
face mask every time I went outside, otherwise, I might get sick.

8 m' c$ b0 {5 q, l
However, the moment I inhaled and exhaled outside the airport.

' c; @8 g6 F5 i5 B; g, M! h
I felt free.
2 t1 D" k. h; l* @

7 ?/ k" f( `- L3 Y
# E3 X$ A! a! C7 W1 g
8 O7 R; w* E4 X4 l5 u

, Z, U2 X% C; |+ u: K0 s0 L' H
At the University of Maryland, I assume feel another kind of fresh air for which I will be forever grateful — the fresh air of free speech." }+ n* Z; \/ ?% |% k/ }& a
" m) A' T' V& n- W# ^

7 ]! [( N/ T; M$ S* ?( Z7 u: N
Before I came to United States, I learned in history class about the Declaration of Independence, but these words had no meaning to me— Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of happiness.
/ ^; R, c& w& {! ^
" ]% H, P# b) ]* ]* j( l3 H在来美国之前,我在历史课上学到了美国独立宣言,那时独立宣言的内容——生命,自由和对自由的追求对我来说没有实际的意义。
0 g- @  }3 X/ X' \: d
I was merely memorizing the words to get good grades.# O. |  N& T4 z+ m
- a0 ~5 {3 m9 {$ F. l
These words sounded so strange, so abstract and so foreign tome, until I came to University of Maryland.
( l8 h) a7 F; }7 X$ H: X当时那些字句对我来说如此陌生,抽象,直到我来到了马里兰大学。
! V$ u0 l3 G  z4 L
I have leaned the right to freely express oneself is sacred in American.
  t  l+ l6 x- a, K
Freedom is oxygen. Freedom is passion. Freedom is love.
, d& J% {3 Q/ B0 j
My friends, enjoy the fresh air and never let it go.
# G/ {9 _0 B% J! Y6 Z  R' q9 K

  \3 J1 q7 A0 o6 {- ^

) T9 F* A$ n* U
  Q5 l- a: u# x# T) H7 J
50年代的英国,70年代的美国都面临过严重的污染问题。中国作为后发展的国家,拥有“后发优势”,那就是中国进入工业化大发展时期时,科学技术已经有了长足的进步,中国的工业化生产绝大部分都不再是直接排放,而且中国目前已经意识到了环境问题的严重性,并在努力寻求经济发展与环境保护的平衡。1 d0 s+ i" O6 w( e
. r1 x0 L: l) d
中国政府一直都在坚持一个观点:我们中国愿意比西方承担更多的责任,因此我们可以承诺中国人的人均大气污染物排放空间只占西方人均大气污染物排放的80%。如果西方愿意,我们就可以和他们签订“大气污染物排放框架协议"。但西方却不愿意,他们坚持要按国为单位计算。可如果那样的话,中国人别说开汽车,别说用空调,正常的日常生活都会受到影响。所以,排放权就是发展权,每一次所谓西方大国吐槽其实都是在压缩我们自己的生存空间啊。" k, \, H! v! T0 r
8 o/ y7 |6 p7 \
* a) `/ T6 }1 `, n! G( F" }
另一方面,这位杨小姐感受到了美国的民主与自由,在这里不得不说难道中国就没有民主与自由?在这里引用一下中国外交部部长王毅所说过的话:“你了解中国吗?你去过中国吗?你知道中国从一个一穷二白的面貌把六亿以上的人摆脱了贫困吗?你知道中国现在已经成为人均8000美元的世界第二大经济体吗?如果我们不能够很好的保护人权的话,中国能取得这么大的发展吗?你知道中国已经把保护人权列入到我们的宪法当中吗?6 y" A* x( f& ?. k( h( o

) J" o8 E" j) j7 Z9 p

. C0 k" o$ e' [+ Y还有杨小姐所提到的“言论自由(free speech)”并不是百无禁忌,不是没有边际,不是无法无天。世界各国政府有着本国相应的法规,对某些具有较大危害性和破坏性的言论,如明显煽惑叛乱、诽谤他人、发布与国家安全相关的秘密等等,进行追究和处罚。如果这种有着诋毁中国性质的演讲也算是言论自由的话,那不得不说,这可能是言论自由被黑的最难看的一次。
# V! A1 U! q- S
. J6 D( Y  [- b( \8 }$ A作为留学生,在走出国门之后,每个留学生所表现的不仅是个人的能力,更有着交流文化思想的作用。中国在经过几代人的努力之后,国家实力取得了巨大的进步,赢得了世界的尊重。对于留学生,是否更应该注意自己的言行?的确每个人有着自己的思想与见解,每个人都可以表达自己对于某些事物的喜爱,但是每个人的所说所讲都应该符合事实,不能夸大其词,更不能去随意去诋毁一个国家。% }# ^; h3 F. l9 ]/ l( f0 a

7 K+ a$ V. l4 ?: _# c, {0 b$ f而目前,网络上对于这件事已经引发了各种热议。
2 F0 a4 h4 Y: }5 I  g$ Z' ^. R9 d
" p, O* m$ Z3 @8 A6 B8 k
! p$ |- t. {' {; m
% h/ h* P8 m: V( M
西方国家对中国的刻板印象(stereotype)一直到现在都还存在,我们努力的去交流,去沟通,去表达,就是希望大家都能看到真正的中国是什么样的。' _1 K6 y" _6 Z$ A! V
% b' f* E9 V. \+ q, Y
' ~- v. Q" U4 e. ^3 E5 S

: f% H7 c" o" L. b; K6 N& d
) ^  @% [8 d. @! g& m! M; \) z8 C( J

* u. d% A1 c9 F3 A  X' m
7 p0 i& z6 q: n7 h8 D$ T# y1 _
% E* z: j( r1 \8 c* W3 U

7 s; e9 w- x' w  a
: c! t: U6 x9 ?! @5 Z8 c) c
我真的不觉得杨小姐在“辱华”,这个词的功力太深厚,她根本还做不到,不过希望她可以改掉说谎的坏毛病,尤其是在外国人面前说自己国家的慌。! Y& w; J. ]8 N# E+ k; I" v
/ m! q# ]7 s* g: C
9 @3 v; B: X1 s" f9 F9 v4 x2 e
8 Y: ~4 ]+ @  k# z
Good afternoon faculty students parents and friends.' [1 ]( T; n* x

8 I1 t2 Z: n+ [2 D7 M+ }) fI am truly honored and grateful to speak at the commencement for the University of Maryland, Class of 2017. - U, i& y+ t- A; z

+ v+ I3 E; q# w& yPeople often ask me: Why did you come to the University of Maryland?
, J2 `- `5 b- m- [% E, i' ^3 J: c9 u8 B  p$ V3 ]9 r
I alwaysanswer: Fresh air.9 q) F# a/ T, @5 Y5 p) r: v+ Q
$ s: a; S/ u7 a/ F- j
Five years ago, as I step off the plane from China, and left the terminal at Dallas Airport. I was ready to put on one of my five face masks, but when I took my first breath of American air. I put my mask away.
  i* T2 h0 ~, J0 W8 t+ b; {7 R6 a' o1 j
The air was so sweet and fresh, and oddly luxurious.
: u5 J( d+ r  Z1 m
( X! R' B* I* D' TI was surprised by this. I grew up in a city in China, where I had to wear a face mask every time I went outside, otherwise, I might get sick.
+ }# j, i' C+ Q: }6 a
' l3 u2 ~1 A! e) C3 sHowever, the moment I inhaled and exhaled outside the airport.3 R$ c) A) X: d; N0 O" g/ Z# C
1 P% j: b: g+ j# W& ?4 i0 q0 X! n
I felt free.0 q- Y) W9 j' U
" V/ i3 {) i- R2 ?
No more fog on my glasses, no more difficult breathing, no more suppression.
  U& l: u5 \2 g, _8 N0 H& K* h
6 H: S# m- K# P7 i' J0 D- dEvery breath was a delight. As I stand here today, I cannot help, but recall that feeling of freedom.
3 X$ k2 q9 c: V/ j; L- ?7 f
" x) c4 ?$ t# s4 U/ I- EAt the University of Maryland, I assume feel another kind of fresh air for which I will be forever grateful — the fresh air of free speech.
9 \( K* R* |* h4 _/ l9 f
+ e; A2 M% }$ `5 D9 {1 _' RBefore I came to United States, I learned in history class about the Declaration of Independence, but these words had no meaning to me— Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of happiness.- ?: J* t$ h' [: K$ f

! h4 K% n& O5 D4 {, ?/ D' O$ fI was merely memorizing the words to get good grades.
# @( M, q4 [  U. R) V# T9 u' k  ]6 W7 Y
These words sounded so strange, so abstract and so foreign to me, until I came to University of Maryland.. ]; H$ }$ \+ b9 y* \: u4 N
4 A/ l! e8 z5 u# _4 f
I have leaned the right to freely express oneself is sacred in American.0 E! l, |$ j6 ?

# |' K$ O8 H( B' a6 w; f3 QEach day in Maryland, I was encouraged to express my opinions on controversial issues. , q% F0 ~5 J* b# l
+ j+ @2 S. E9 x4 C
I could challenge a statement made by my instructor. I could even rate my professors online.# |* b2 L" x- M$ z' ^
) ?+ J0 ?- V5 f% v$ ?
But nothing prepared me for the culture shock I experienced when I watched a university production of the play— Twilight: Los Angeles.6 D2 E* B/ _' i& Z- h, m- t
8 S' |' W  [% N( W
Twilight is a play by Anna Deavere Smith about the 1992 Los Angeles Riots
% i6 ~! i& m5 }5 ~6 m2 G$ x0 d6 ?: I# G+ @  D! P: J
The riots followed acquittal of four Los Angeles police officers in the videotaped arrest and beating of Rodney King.
  h- S3 C* y  j* Q0 W4 b: H9 z
' v- q9 F6 {$ {- fFor six days, the city was in chaos as citizens took to the streets.0 |& C" g3 y; P' K" I

8 [/ T5 h6 S& V- }9 B3 z& _4 T; v$ yIn Twilight, the student actors were openly talking about racism, sexism and politics.( p; X9 _% {6 N+ ?& f9 U

6 B1 e$ k. a5 t/ [3 M: ^6 pI was shocked, I never saw such topic could be discussed openly.
8 }* }! [. \- w# F: {* i9 o( J
, Y9 _& @* a5 v& L+ H+ V- [The play was my first taste of political storytelling, one that makes the audience think critically.
" Q$ I0 \+ C1 D$ n' y! o% O) t& l
9 s5 u7 T7 m% B1 ^0 oI have always had a burning desire to tell these kinds of stories, but I was convinced that only authorities on the narrative, only authorities could define the truth. 2 k, ]8 E- V. C7 }6 `2 O
; D- I8 Q1 V" H0 r8 k' r
However, the opportunity to immerse myself in the diverse community at the University of Maryland exposed me to various, many different perspectives on truth.; L7 r4 A, Y3 x

! C. O4 N9 z, n1 e# s; z& Y9 zI soon realized that here I have the opportunity to speak freely.
2 k1 {) F$ h4 e2 a
: L* a8 m9 D# ^My voice matters. 0 Y- Y) n' [" U$ r+ m) s

8 O3 \4 l4 i  e: Q- aYour voice matters.2 i4 d: ?9 E. w9 C- Q

. g. {* F* d  a8 tOur voices matter.
3 M0 C/ L' K" Q! W
  W) s; i0 E0 n- i, RCivil engagement is not a task just for politicians. I have witnessed this when I saw my fellow students marching in Washington DC, voting in the presidential election and raising money for support various causes.7 G! J$ ^% z. @4 ^+ r" C
# d# t, r8 J: j1 V2 k! e
I have seen that everyone has a right to participate and advocate for change.
1 j! U, h& r4 B) }% S. F/ A* W: ^8 d, {  U7 z1 B! ?
I used to believe that one individual participation could not make a difference, but here we are, United Terps.4 H8 B. G5 Q2 L( _( M  q
4 K, c3 B7 K7 j" d: z
Together, we can push our society to be more just open and peaceful.7 X# p, T+ U! x2 w2 s1 d3 U! z  }
4 \3 H/ _# f$ D0 |& u% j: }" o
Class of 2017, we are graduating from a university that embraces a liberal arts education that nurtures us to think critically, and also to care and feel for humanity.
/ R& x& B. C" Q, J. i" n
  V, g7 M) p! _& R8 i, `" |; J& j; wWe are equipped with the knowledge of various disciplines and we are ready to face to the challenges of our society.6 b; D- [! q, J' f* T

2 c2 |2 _4 N. {( ]' B' ?Some of us may go to graduate school, some us may step into professions and some of us may begin a journey of exploration.
0 i8 R$ I, U" [" O2 C1 ~9 c. o8 `6 [1 k; z" V9 Y5 Z
But no matter what we do, remember, democracy and free speech should not be taken for granted.7 H7 y1 C( m0 p/ U- _

+ ?1 n# l5 p* m- pDemocracy and freedom are the fresh air that is worth fighting for.  o7 k$ B: l% U- {

* p/ h' z( J' {# Q) }  J. ^6 yFreedom is oxygen. Freedom is passion. Freedom is love.
. J8 G: H6 k/ J$ A
( x! C6 n1 Q  WAnd as a French philosopher Jean Paul Sartre once said: freedom is a choice, our future is dependent on the choices we make today and tomorrow.
$ V3 q" R6 c- O0 M
$ ~% ?$ L( W% R( s. _We are all playwrights of the next chapters of our lives. Together, we right the human history.
/ t( D  x* ]4 c; b9 t
" O2 p+ v) o, y2 A7 L7 x0 }5 f1 FMy friends, enjoy the fresh air and never let it go.
& E0 \' Y7 [5 U. e* W* l- }; C( i! ?/ U8 t+ c/ s, V+ V' I  V4 i
Thank you.
% T) U) X8 j/ R! p6 q/ [  F
+ N. d4 X) O9 t. |! p0 h2 \
& _1 Y' H7 e2 a

2 X6 y* a) B5 Q: N8 B) M5 Y
6 J' H/ b, F4 e0 c

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发表于 2017-5-23 02:58 | 只看该作者

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