
[且听且看(音视频)] 英语美文朗读:微笑

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发表于 2017-1-22 04:28 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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  E+ x, p" A4 x# H1 f

- @  a0 L+ E, Q4 k6 c3 ?+ e) v/ e* g0 U6 L8 f$ e
% D1 u! g' X/ Y+ u4 h
The smile is the unaffected, unplanned, natural connection between people. we construct to protect ourselves, our dignity, our titles, our degrees, our status and our need to be seen in certain ways―underneath all that, remains the authentic, essential self. I'm not afraid to call it the soul. I really believe that if that part of you and that part of me could recognize each other, we wouldn't be enemies. We couldn't have hate or envy or fear. I sadly conclude that all those other layers, which we so carefully construct through our lives, distance and insulate us from truly contacting others.
" W1 |* }% }. x0 T: r; q" Q$ v% `

1 O5 N; x( p' @1 c  i7 F+ F) h4 C* L/ E! x
I've had just a few moments like that. Falling in love is one example. And looking at a baby. Why do we smile when we see a baby? Perhaps it's because we see someone without all the defensive layers, someone whose smile for us we know to be fully genuine and without guile. And that baby-soul inside us smiles wistfully in recognition.5 _. ]' s! ^* P

  _9 ~( e7 g/ p  w+ e* W# b3 h& E我也曾有过如此神奇的时刻,坠入情网是其中一刻,而看着婴儿的脸是另外一例。为什么我们见到婴孩会微笑?也许是因为我们在他们身上见到不设防的灵魂,还有他们纯真无邪的笑容,更引起了我们内心深处的共鸣。
5 P' s2 |5 w4 g" M; n
! u: A4 r5 w1 S' t( I

0 B5 w# R" {( r; A) _单词注释:
4 U+ S. B4 L% `1.  construct [kən'strʌkt]  vt. 构造, 建造, 建筑(路 房子等) n 构想, 概念, }8 |1 c* _1 _4 @' ~
2.  unaffected [,ʌnə'fɛktɪd] adj. 不受影响的, 自然的, 不矫揉造作的,
- U2 ^! T# G7 K9 M: R& z) i! C" r7 v" Teg. We’d better be unaffected in an interview.8 W+ I+ I# C* ~3 m3 F3 Q
& F+ {. o6 x8 |5 l. ?  w3. dignity ['dɪɡnəti] n. 尊严, 高贵
7 c/ }) _/ T# X+ M5 o: ^4. title ['taɪt(ə)l] n. 除了书名, 题目还有头衔的意思哦2 n/ ?" v( J3 f, w3 D$ o6 ^+ u, z1 P
5. underneath [,ʌndɚ'niθ]  n. 下面, 底部 adj. 下面的, 底层的  adv 在…下面 prep. 介词9 @1 d* }/ g* f' L! g  x+ s( \
eg. She looked so peaceful underneath the dime light: v' R7 v6 L! o0 i  l( I; T# }( i: x
' Q8 U- D2 f3 @$ n' G9 K7 c" z# p2 C

6. insulate  ['ɪnsjə,let] vt  使绝缘 使隔离,隔热

We gotta turn on the air conditioner to insulate heat on such a summer day.


7. defensive  [dɪ'fensɪv]  adj. 防御的, 戒备的

8. guil [gaɪl] n. 狡猾,诡计
% K1 N( b& Q3 B. Y9. wistfully ['wɪstfəli] 渴望地, 望眼欲穿的- p- K, b3 z0 M# Z1 {7 S6 G& h
The man wistfully looked at that hot dancing girl who once dumped him.) e3 h, p0 z' l# ^0 ^8 d
那个男人欲眼望穿地望着那个曾经把他甩了跳舞的辣妹。 8 z' B% Z2 h! @& ?' {  w% P
10. recognition [,rɛkəɡ'nɪʃən] n.  识别, 承认
4 w- U" z/ D' o" A1 D5 S+ f# R# i/ r3 Q% ~+ I, Q
$ o8 W9 j' e8 G5 x: O" \4 n
今天想吃冰淇淋了6 X/ h' O3 e( {) }

" m9 f* n( o) Q2 u$ [. ?2 e5 p9 d
( ?0 c1 T( D6 K1 w

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