
[且听且看(音视频)] 英语美文朗读:旅行让我们变得更好

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发表于 2017-1-22 04:26 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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! z- v9 {8 j2 U) @& a* g% Z8 n. P  }+ S7 p" X/ a

( h; P# f5 w8 q  m6 r- k

( u* f5 z9 p5 g% k5 w

The best things can come from the worst experiences


Once, when I was in Sicily(西西里岛), I was [url=]swindled[/url] (欺骗)by a stranger for a hundred dollars. At first I was devastated(非常震惊的). I spent the entire next day thinking about what I should have done to keep my money, and what I would do if I had it. But what I learned from this about humanity(人性), about the nature of good and evil within people, and how circumstances force them to do bad things showed me a lot about myself and how to cope with misfortune.


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Seeing how other people live


We’re all part of a human family, but it’s easy to forget that when we move through our daily routine(日常工作),seeing people who live just like we do. But when you see people going about their daily existence in ways very different from your own, it can open your eyes to how similar you are to them, and how different.


6 c- K  ]6 K! r% p& u

Appreciatingwhat you have


When you see a family eating rice for dinner and sleeping on the street under the open sky, it can help you think about how lucky you are to have a home and warm clothes you can go back to. Chances are if you’re reading this right now, you are probably in the top 20% of the world’s wealthiest people. Don’t forget it!


, p- ^+ F) |5 n5 m4 k8 K0 x- z- }9 h单词注释:; T9 D3 t1 P9 J7 y! B8 T& I
sicily['sisili] 西西里岛
$ t8 b1 M; Q. @# Z0 O9 v+ `1 {9 lswindle ['swɪnd(ə)l] 欺骗; ?/ [) L6 @, X  ^
devastated ['dɛvəstetɪd] 极为震惊的3 k7 j. s- i' z/ S2 ~% o- L8 N6 s
humanity [hjʊ'mænəti] 人性 : m( ?# W0 ^- p1 g+ C7 V0 k4 b2 p
# a8 J8 b5 f4 }2 t( ?+ M. M$ b

( E# _* L2 L' f9 N3 p) U* G8 d8 X

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