
[且听且看(音视频)] 中美追女生的区别

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发表于 2016-12-12 02:30 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式


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美国人纠结男追女还是女追男吗?4 d, b2 Q/ l! y; `3 i
+ i" d" R; h: f5 e婚车婚房重要吗?今天我们聊聊这些重要的感情问题。2 Y# [: C/ J% u

/ G+ J  I# y0 ~7 T8 [5 q
0 n2 y) B) w8 N% O* w# v% j7 i  B* O( u+ K  w+ ?

7 L) p  A' B( p5 X. o9 @( |" D: p  u) M
( ^$ e$ X0 g( ?7 ^; L

2 C- `0 W8 ~% f
1 q8 i  ?9 ]" c. j1 n2 G6 e
Pursue a girl: 这个也比较古典、比较书面
I'm interested in a girl: 这个很口语、很自然
She hasn't given me the time of day: 她还没理我

; G+ X* D. o' D4 o8 r
In general, Chinese think girls should be reserved and shouldn't take the first step: 中国人一般觉得女生应该矜持,不要主动
A lot of American girls will give guys a hint which makes them in turn ask them out: 美国女生会暗示男生,让男的主动追她们
Some will directly ask a guy out: 也有女生会直接约男生出去
It's all pretty natural when it's starting out: 初期阶段都比较自然
Keep it low pressure: 这样没什么压力
They will just say "Would you like to grab a coffee with me?""Let's check out a show": 他们会说去喝个咖啡、看个演出、展览这样的活动
This way you can slowly get to know each other:这样大家可以比较自然地慢慢地了解
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1 ^( C' A8 m4 u# y+ c, C) H- Y* [
When a woman is going after a man, he might think she's too eager:女追男,隔层纱
We think if the girl takes the first step, the guy might not appreciate her as much and might take her for granted: 我们觉得如果女生主动,男的可能比较不会那么珍惜你,会不把你当回事儿
Nice guys finish last: 好人倒霉
We think if a guy asks a girl out, it's pretty much a date: 我们觉得如果一个男生约女生出去,那基本上这是个约会
American guys think even if it is a date, it means I'm interested in knowing you, but you shouldn't read too much into it: 美国男生觉得就算是一次约会,这代表我想认识你,但是不要想太多

+ @- Z9 v% ?2 m, d9 {4 R0 [
If he doesn't even offer to pay, it means he's cheap: 如果他不付,那你遇到了铁公鸡
Or maybe he's hinting that you he's not interested anymore: 他不买单的另一种可能,是暗示他已经没兴趣了

6 N9 q6 E0 j  Z. Q* r4 GGotta have a house and a car: 要有房有车
Materialistic: 物质的
Some Americans want to settle down, buy a house and build a family: 有些美国人结婚就想安定下来、买个房、安家立业
There just isn't the same level of cultural pressure to buy a house before you get married: 总之就是没有那么大的文化压力让你买婚房

3 H) w: b: {6 m' N: J
/ ?, H0 x9 H, N4 M

. ]+ Z4 y! J5 s9 ~0 K% M2 X

: q6 A. a  [8 k! N: L% R  I, ^

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