
[俚语口语口音] 【英语学习】各种小吃,你都会说吗?

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发表于 2016-12-10 11:13 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式


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一个顶级吃货的标志就是把爱吃的食物用英语都能叫出来~. ]; w9 Y1 A) i  t7 }+ \& P: B6 @
* Y5 |/ z9 S" v' Y8 ^
% x, c  R( X  U1 Q, R
中式早点. O/ o, v/ t% I
烧饼 clay oven rolls   油条 fried bread stick   韭菜盒 fried leek dumplings   馒头 steamed buns   包子 steamed stuffed buns   割包 steamed sandwich( a* p. r  a. K$ K: M
* _& S; S- |: N: Z, o
: D5 U$ i8 D  W' `/ B
8 Z' f8 L9 L, J# n* J3 I稀饭 congee   白饭 plain white rice   油饭 glutinous oil rice   糯米饭 glutinous rice& D1 r! p! L! w# b/ b* b

( ^2 d' U) r# x- F
' M! Q8 I  A4 c4 u% A& l8 W面类
9 j4 Y$ X% g; L2 G4 L6 N打卤面 noodles with gravy   阳春面 plain noodles   馄饨面 wonton and noodles   刀削面 sliced noodles
0 f/ I+ u3 C6 \5 Y, @: e6 M8 b4 K1 p" K& }

' H# a6 W) X" \  {1 l& {6 B6 e4 @汤类
4 ^* ^) w+ t9 ?& B1 a8 v鱼丸汤 fish ball soup   贡丸汤 meat ball soup   蛋花汤 egg and vegetable soup
8 ~' p/ o- t. X   紫菜汤 seaweed soup   酸辣汤 sweet and sour soup
9 G+ g! b2 U+ c+ [
6 W8 r0 u) f2 [0 I
) J" j: V1 ?9 c3 i( K6 j甜品
2 w" l0 H6 J* Y9 l; n糖葫芦 sugar-coated fruit crispy   红豆牛奶冰 red bean with milk ice   芝麻糊 sesame paste   豆花 tofu pudding   奶昔 milk-shake
( x% T4 X" t8 I6 O& [6 }/ a4 a: \. ]5 u4 \7 |2 [

4 B  W! V/ H9 U饮料
9 C% d1 q  \7 q3 G& p甘蔗汁 sugar cane juice   酸梅汁 plum juice   杨桃汁 star fruit juice   橘子汁 orange juice   椰子汁 coconut milk5 h: D7 [6 s5 l& ~; a+ k; m
; f4 V1 i8 H7 o! n
# g2 _0 {9 ^7 X
6 c$ p$ X5 J# k& U# `牡蛎煎 oyster omelet   臭豆腐 stinky tofu (smelly tofu)   糖炒栗子 sugar roasted chestnuts   烤红薯 baked sweet potato   爆米花 popcorn4 L! g8 v. n" ~9 {: ~! V: R

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