
和美国面试官 侃大山 话题大全| 论如何在Pre interview dinner吃出offer? ...

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发表于 2016-10-23 00:37 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式


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3 U* Z+ l2 @' l# R$ Z5 |
真实故事:小编之前被Deloitte邀请到Final Round,有和几个面试官吃饭的机会(俗称Pre-interview diner)。
8 D8 b1 k& T( L$ a
/ b* D* o, w! K7 A/ ^' l. m# A
) q0 w+ E5 u8 o* _$ ]/ f
今天小编就为大家解读一下,同是面试考核的一环的pre-interview event如何破以及和美国面试官侃大山话题大全!

2 p1 ^( {0 B" t8 Y
Pre-interview Event的基本信息
出席人士:HR, Partners, Middle management, Associates/Analysts
地点:如果公司范围内,可能在公司的会议室或是自身的参观;如果在公司外,大多在商业区的高档餐馆;例如steakhouse时间:大多在晚上晚饭时间,也有些是以breakfast,lunch形式进行的时长:2-3小时形式:吃饭+自由交谈着装:Business casual/professional都可
" y0 ~1 e2 D" l4 X2
为什么要举办pre-interview event?

+ F8 G3 d6 g/ @
  • 我是否放心让TA跟客户见面开会、做presentation?" m" D: d; S6 j# E& }1 Y3 q' D7 R
  • TA的姿态、说话方式和着装专业得体么?2 j0 }  [* o$ Y! j& z
  • 我跟TA一起加班的时候会否有话题聊,会否感到comfortable?
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    & {( b+ n8 C  R6 O9 X( Z6 D! O

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35 R2 I6 R8 J6 }7 @- M
Small Talk 侃大山话题大全~

2 L1 t/ {: N! V& k0 J$ o9 H* d7 ~
  • How long have you been at the firm?# {) f3 I% v4 F1 k6 R" k
  • What type of clients do you work on?
  • How often do you travel?
  • If you weren’t working here, what would you probably be doing right now?
  • How did you become a [job title]?
  • What surprised you the most about your current job?
  • What’s the craziest thing a boss has ever asked you to do?
  • Would you rather work four 10-hour days or five eight-hour days?
  • If you were guaranteed to be successful, what job would you want?
  • What was your first job? Did you like it?
  • What’s the best career advice you’ve ever received? How about the worst?
  • What is the culture like in your team?
  • Are resident concerns heard and taken seriously?
  • Do you feel like you have opportunities to get mentors?
  • Why do you enjoy working for this company?
  • What attracted you to this organization?
  • Can you describe the work environment here?
  • How do you describe the philosophy of the company or organization?
  • Can you tell me more about my day-to-day responsibilities?
  • How soon are you looking to fill this position?
  • I have really enjoyed meeting with you and your team, and I am very interested in the opportunity. I feel my skills and experience would be a good match for this position. What is the next step in your interview process?
  • In your opinion, what is the most important contribution that this company expects from its employees?
  • What are my prospects for advancement? If I do a good job, what is a logical next step?
  • What advice would you give to someone in my position?
  • What major problems are we facing right now in this department or position?
  • Can you please tell me a little bit about the people with whom I’ll be working most closely?
  • What specific skills from the person you hire would make your life easier?
  • What are some of the problems that keep you up at night?
  • What are some of the skills and abilities you see as necessary for someone to succeed in this job?
  • What challenges might I encounter if I take on this position?
    % [5 j' K; h3 F: n7 {+ f! t
  • What are the attributes of the job that you’d like to see improved?
    . ^# o# Z" `6 P7 }) _$ N
  • What attracted you to working for this organization?
  • What have you liked most about working here?
  • How would you describe the experience of working here?% l' F( p! W2 m7 U
  • If I were to be hired, what one piece of wisdom would you want me to incorporate into my work life?
    , k9 _9 }! {; V

, V* N) `8 ~: k1 E2 K4 s
总括而言,”pre-interview dinner” 其实是interview为主,dinner为次。其实关于这种交际形式的面试环节,“面试官”主要还是靠感觉来判断,所以你只要在他们面前表现professional,让他们觉得跟你沟通很舒服,别显得太过拘谨,你的offer 就很容易拿到了。

1 N& v4 N9 b$ _6 I/ K0 N7 \1 t
成为一个interesting person
除了以上提及适用在pre-interview event上的small talk topics,下面还有40条适用于任何networking活动或日常生活中跟本地人交谈时的问题公大家参考。学会避免问一些对方只能回答“yes”或”no“的问题,你的small talk 才能有内涵的聊下去!

! ]5 s. o6 ?4 x) x5 b4 r
& z  R" H4 a4 V# \8 `/ v
  • Are you reading any good books right now? I’d love some recommendations. How about shows?
  • Are there any apps on your phone that you can’t live without?
  • If you could only watch one genre of movies for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  • What’s a book you hated that everyone else loved, and vice versa?
  • Do you have any podcast suggestions for my commute?
  • What’s the last movie that made you cry? Or laugh aloud?
  • Whom would you want to be your Amazing Race partner?
  • Who is your favorite person to follow on Instagram?
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$ t. P( B  z0 h( ~3 {( K
  • If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  • What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten?
  • What’s your go-to comfort food?
  • Are there any foods that you absolutely would not eat?
  • What’s something that’s easy to bring in for lunch that isn’t a sandwich?
  • What are the best cheap eats around here?
  • Does your family have any “secret” or famous recipes?
  • What’s your favorite restaurant that other people don’t tend to know about?
    & X0 y+ `" }: \4 v

6 `3 N- Y# F9 C( w9 z& m
  • What’s the best “hidden gem” around here?
  • If you could fly anywhere for free, where would you go?
  • What’s the coolest road trip you’ve ever been on?
  • Where’s the last place you traveled? What did you do there?
  • Do you prefer action-packed vacations or relaxing on the beach?
  • What’s the next trip you have planned?
  • If you could take a workcation or sabbatical, where would you go and what would you do?
  • What’s your favorite thing to do around here on the weekends?

    0 f) J4 ]& _0 O, C) L. F$ d1 {( Y

  W" u7 D# |) q, a" Z$ `9 n人生经历相关:
  • Where did you live before this? What are the biggest differences you see?
  • What did you think you were going to be growing up?
  • Do you have any hidden talents or surprising hobbies?
  • What was your favorite extracurricular in elementary school?
  • What was the must-have accessory or item when you were growing up?
  • What’s the most unbelievable thing that’s ever happened to you?
  • Who’s the most important role model or mentor you’ve had in your life?
  • What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
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1 p$ `! H+ Y6 c
  • If you were in charge of picking the eighth wonder of the world, what would you choose?
  • What do you wish you had placed in a time capsule 15 years ago?
  • What’s the strangest compliment you’ve ever gotten?
  • Have you ever thought of a cool invention or company, only to discover someone had already invented or started it?
  • If you could teach a college course on any subject you want, what would it be?
  • What’s the most out-of-character thing you’ve ever done?
  • What would be your ideal superpower?
  • If you could have any type of animal for a pet, what would it be?

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Event的must-do & don't
  • 提早15分钟到达,除了展示你是尊重活动时间,你也可以沉趁大家还没到场的时候争取跟高层、recruiters们多一点一对一的交流时间
    5 R  q* `! P6 ]" H# W* u) m
  • 尽量跟每个出席的firm representative握手、做自我介绍和询问名片
    7 h6 G- ]! x, M2 F3 k
  • 不论是谁在发言,也该专心聆听;你的面试官会观察你对其他“竞争对手”的态度
    5 ~6 M/ G' C; @5 v9 L# W$ C
    / X& e) u! u6 X" U% u% I
- V" x4 C( l# B8 s

6 _; s* O2 S$ P
  • 进行时候注意餐桌礼仪,包括对侍应说的”please” 和”thank you”也不容忽视
  • 活动后发送thank you email/follow up email给每位接触过的人,内容上提及一些让对方能想起在活动上跟你进行过的对话,并且加插你的一些个人亮点,深化他对你的印象;如果晚餐活动在面试前一个晚上,可以等到面试过后再发。
  • 四大尤其是audit,很注重teamwork,所以不要太过进取或故意炫耀自己有多厉害,尽量展示你乐意跟其他人交流、合作、互相帮忙的一面
  • 避免挑选进食比较麻烦、容易失仪态的食物,例如番茄汁意面,炸脆食物等
    + D/ o8 I5 T" v. C7 h* U
  • 避免在饭局上喝酒,可以选择果汁或是一些较为健康的饮料
  • 不要开过分名贵的车到场或带昂贵的包,让partner发现他的车或是包比你的“低级”会造成尴尬的场面

    9 A6 \$ e8 Y8 V# Q& c. H1 {, ^
  g" G  u! |4 V8 I; _) v- y
面试完了别忘了Follow up!
% ?% E/ s! Y3 q2 Y) Y
1. 250+个美国九大投行+精品投行的HR/Recruiter的LinkedIn直达链接
包括Goldman Sachs/BAML/Morgan Stanley/Jefferies/Lazard/Moelis&Co.

) n# K7 ^3 w5 }$ e* s5 c( n; m* m% C9 W! t
2. 22000+大小投行/私募/对冲基金的联系信息

" s  y0 ~9 v/ [4 W( {1 y  U
4000+ Investment Banks
• Asia-Pacific: 591
• USA: 2,275
• Europe: 794

' B& \4 |! S$ L( Q4 i1 h8 W

4 a2 E9 ~+ D: s$ r
, }8 P" N* g. X" h9 E
7000+ Private Equity Firms
• Asia-Pacific: 1,388
• USA: 5,229
• Europe: 3,145
3 J$ l, p( ^1 w; E$ `: s
+ i& N" \3 F; U' N7 ?9 S7 U
10000+ Hedge Funds
• Asia-Pacific: 148
• USA: 2,479
• Europe: 383
/ J& f2 \9 M& m" N5 B2 h+ s

! O. [; Q7 E) r6 }  [, T% j2 n. t

' Z- ]! F* Q- x+ A, e$ N) v; o
3. Networking Cold Email Template
4 M" J2 X7 E- a# z6 z  z% @3 E) a
4. LinkedIn Request Template
  ]* J# ~# D% s2 h
5. Informational Interview Ask-Smart Question List

, ], s& ]- S. l1 ^* b, W
: H0 ]4 u0 H+ m
6. Networking Tracking Template
+ K+ N, m$ L& ~8 p2 s
" o  w; Q% G) m1 f) s$ U, k; W

转载请保留当前帖子的链接:https://www.beimeilife.com/thread-34094-1-1.html 谢谢

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