
【英语学习】 "lend" and "borrow"的区别

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发表于 2016-6-24 13:17 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式


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Here is a correction to make clear that Amy is the object of the preposition in the third sentence. Sorry for any confusion! The use of "lend" and "borrow" can be difficult to master. Here's anhttps://www.beimeilife.com/ graphic that we hope will help you understand. Practice by using "lend" or "borrow" in a sentence!2 Y6 ^% ?- V2 `, Q, m" i( a8 ?
2 ~8 c) O  Z8 T, u' o
  点击展开全文 % S& A+ q, J5 N) j6 B
  Here is a correction to make clear that Amy is the object of the preposition in the third sentence. Sorry for any confusion! The use of "lend" and "borrow" can be difficult to master. Here's anhttps://www.beimeilife.com/ graphic that we hope will help you understand. Practice by using "lend" or "borrow" in a sentence!
6 p) z  }! K; o9 ]/ a' W. P* x1 `3 k' s7 q8 Z* l7 M

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2 E/ }2 @  J. P( V, `2 Z& Y  b2 P谢谢欣赏,开放注册,欢迎加入北美生活网。

转载请保留当前帖子的链接:https://www.beimeilife.com/thread-17397-1-1.html 谢谢

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