
[且听且看(音视频)] 英语朗读及讲解:每个人都是自己的一面镜子

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发表于 2017-1-23 15:44 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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7 T, j1 b7 {3 L% l2 Z
  ~4 Z% ~/ U0 i" l# c% S. A导读

每个人都是你的一面镜子,我们常常对别人苛刻, 对自己却别开一面。 当我们讨厌别人的这里那里的时候, 是否想过自己也是这样呢?(其实很多时候我们只是不愿意承认而已) 凡事多反省自己,少苛责别人, 静静地成长。

/ m1 f* u, u- |8 B: Z; ^/ O6 G. B" L) }# m; C7 v8 M

6 i0 b. l, M5 m1 N

Frequently, when we dislike qualities in other people, ironically, it’s usually the mirror that’s speaking to us. I began questioning myself further each time I encountered someone that I didn’t particularly like. Each time, I asked myself,“What is it about that person that I don’t like?” and then “Is there something similar in me?” in every instance, I could see a piece of that quality in me, and sometimes I had to really get very introspective. So what did that mean?

: e! m$ X  G( j& [$ j


3 o! m* k4 t* L! v& ?


don’t [dont]

Don’t do it.
Ironically, it turns out that the betrayer is hisbest friend.
encounter [ɪn'kaʊntɚ] 邂逅' @% `- P- \2 c. d. @
I encountered my other part while I was traveling./ U9 U' o' g  s. D/ @2 A. R* G
particularly [pɚ'tɪkjəlɚli] 特别地, 尤其地
# T( P& F0 h- K/ ~0 t: SParents should particularly care for the kids’ mental health.+ s1 s/ I+ m4 y0 S& _
; B0 |  N( F' @4 \7 Fmodify ['mɑdɪfaɪ]  vi/vt 修改, 修正   PS:(这个词是补充的)
! z4 `- W. x9 d$ Q/ d& EWe’ll keep modifying the proposal until every member adopts it.4 _! [. t/ Z5 _1 D5 Y
我们会持续修改方案知道每位成员都正式通过。1 m- T0 p: s" `0 c
introspective ['ɪntrə'spɛktɪv] adj  内省的, 反省的
0 ~. t; V: ]# c7 {# [, y  h" OOnce we get introspective, we can better modify ourselves.
+ F6 z7 G9 @( |. f一旦我们知道反省, 我们才可以更好地修正自己。
3 d; ]: U. p% Y( H! s3 ]

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