
[且听且看(音视频)] 新年提升幸福感的10句英语

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发表于 2017-1-1 01:39 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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新年里,除了自己要进步、要提升;  n( Y& m* B  [! `6 r2 w; }
也值得和你生命中最重要的人分享充满幸福的新年寄语6 Y, @, S# j8 g2 V1 g- a2 E
2017年第一天,希望你听着开言,心里很温暖!9 \2 i2 e! X8 O& o* S3 k  p
  A4 F# P. A1 T5 G' F3 @  o
节目音乐:She by Elvis Costello: B; X/ J/ J! e3 d

$ q7 N/ c1 T- Z6 [( X% w2 ~3 A% h6 ^1 p4 R. L
The New Year celebration is very romantic: 元旦庆祝非常浪漫
Kiss your loved one when 12 o'clock strikes: 午夜12点钟声敲响,亲吻自己的爱人
" t# d  C1 t9 x- k) I! b% i; ?
1. 新年传统: The New Year Kiss

. W" B1 p# P* n8 S  |) ?4 \0 Y1 l, I4 k5 _, H
  • I always dreamed of kissing the person I love as the New Year rings in. Thank you for making my dreams come true.
  • 我总是梦想着跨年的时候能与我爱的人拥吻。谢谢你让我梦想成真。  _! {+ [3 X9 {1 ]
" a8 P9 P1 R8 c4 q# S1 ]! R3 B, Q# P
( \4 K; M& w) q
2. 新年愿望:You're my New Year's resolution
# K) V+ m2 M; n% d+ U

; G  c1 j# x$ {. r
2 w' T, l$ q" M5 Q  |5 y, n# Y
  • I can’t wait to make my New Year’s resolution. After all, last year’s came true — you’re here with me! Happy New Year honey.
  • 我迫不及待要制定自己的新年计划。因为,去年的实现了——你。亲爱的,新年快乐!
    * Y. C6 Z2 W0 Z( l( a. a

3 n7 Y5 B8 H3 m2 g
3. 人生不易,幸好有你:Life is hard, but I have you

: |: x- c( ]3 |( _
  • I never really thought that in this life full of suffering and pain, I would be able to meet someone like you. You are the greatest gift I ever received, and I want to spend all my New Years with you. I love you.
  • 人生艰辛,还好遇到你。你是我最好的礼物。希望所有新年都能与你一起度过。我爱你。
    8 @' v) x2 T# ~3 g7 S
+ ]# m  ?/ `- f* G' A& \4 f0 Q

+ ?- C, b: [; x: u0 B5 s
4. 阴阳互补: You're the yin to my yang

6 k0 z) D  x! d- q2 f( ^1 d
' X3 c$ ^* P2 Y! i3 R/ U

9 `8 Y0 f! {+ P0 y  \4 f
  • You are the yin to my yang. We complete each other. Happy New Year to the person who brings out the best in me.
  • 你就是我完美的另一半,阴阳和谐!你让我变得更好,新年快乐!
    1 Y4 [6 U0 q6 g# \/ n& L3 K6 E
% Z, S8 H% g6 G# z& D
4 i( l( d- Y( C+ T$ _& i
5. 和你在一起,怎么都快乐:
Party or no party, I'm happy when you're with me
  • Get ready for the best New Year ever. We’re going to party at the top of the world. At least, it will feel that way with you./ w/ J" P2 C' ~$ ]; r& [
  • 准备好庆祝新年了吗?我们要high到世界之巅!即使不party, 和你在一起, 就是最快乐!) ]7 w8 D0 j8 U+ r* h. J
6. 茫茫人海,谁是不可错过的真爱
1 in 7 billion

) t, j: q  e: y1 ~5 z- D
  • There are billions and billions of people in this world, how would you know who is destined for you? Then you came into my life and suddenly I feel complete.  
  • 世界上有几十亿人,怎么能知道谁是你的真爱?然后你出现了,我完整了。
    ! A* P6 I! V3 C6 l

, K+ w7 @8 I/ s' g; K9 o

5 M. F  H! i" @, W. D7 R. O
7. Distance means so little:
0 p/ g; S0 H; K3 a

5 g8 c3 f# p! c0 l) e/ f
  • You know I would hug you if I could. We are a million miles away, but you are here in my heart, distance does not matter anyway. I miss spending New Year’s Eve with you. I love you with all my heart.
  • 很想拥抱你。但是我们相隔千里,不过距离不是问题,因为你在我心里。想念和你共度的新年。全心全意爱着你。

    6 k+ M+ t. f9 z8 x0 e
0 w' r& O9 ]$ q" I8 D6 u2 Q9 e
% A2 S) P# d5 w& ^
#8. * [# d& O9 Y9 X
  • Last year, I said “no more love life this year”. But here you are breaking every rule I built for myself. And I love you for that. Happy New Year, honey.
  • 去年,我对自己说:“不想恋爱了”,然后遇见了你,打破了我的设定。谢谢你!亲爱的,新年快乐!& q% J6 a9 c2 w* C; ~5 Q. c+ ]
, T# ~3 F) v/ a# H) k3 [4 \/ p

0 j  K" G4 ^  H9 a" D#9. 2 w' ~9 j6 @" X% N- |1 A* d
  • This New Year, I only have one wish. I wish that I will be able to make you happy for the rest of my life. Happy New Year, honey.
  • 今年我只有一个愿望: 希望余生都能让你快乐。亲爱的,新年快乐!* ]# _7 c: _0 \" C% b

$ R& M) q2 {5 `* r0 s& S- V+ @, E" G
, G# [: ?1 K' g8 n#10.
7 {: r, {/ V* ^9 H
  • I know I am not the easiest person to love, but you managed to handle me on my worst. And you still laugh at my bad jokes. Happy New Year to us!
  • 我知道我不是最容易爱的人。但即使是我最坏的一面,你也能包容。我那些冷笑话你也捧场。新年快乐!
    * F( M& `1 u8 w0 H9 v& H
    + A; @' V/ ^: O2 E& C

$ g# j  N8 l$ {# j9 D5 V4 C
: a/ X! l0 s& S; E

$ J1 X7 Z/ E$ \2 P" s! p3 ]# q
& X& Y3 H6 K* o- C/ p$ G

# P: x5 D7 M# y; g9 F6 \7 s
Grow together, grow old together
0 Y: N2 B/ B) i# N/ l% x) e
0 R% I  B% X$ F( x; j" G
Thank you for your support!
Let's have a great year ahead!
4 |& J. Y- v6 w0 [% b, v$ q6 W
/ q4 J1 J7 b4 }2 D

6 g5 }& |+ e, ~1 h$ @/ y- P) n
. v( B* r* a' ^
  • 你最喜欢哪句祝福?
  • 你想把它送给谁?
  • 留言告诉那个重要的人吧!
    # C4 ~5 H7 Q7 m* w5 r5 C
5 Y, x& _* }/ X; w

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