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发表于 2016-12-12 03:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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今天,我们问问美国人,他们是如何背单词、学新词的?1 g5 s$ {/ I- z" Q7 C
# e7 z$ T* g3 w' v1 B+ U1 u也欢迎大家在留言里分享你的词汇学习法!
& h, ?; E$ \( v) R6 p# R  M8 {- ?$ w7 {3 U6 t

; s5 F( O! }* V
Listen Now!
4 S; @9 I$ \" i+ }
$ g( R8 w4 y" Y  z% e
! I  h- D# P/ L" _
When you were a kid, how did you learn new English words? 你小的时候,怎么学新词?
We also had vocabulary assignments in school: 也有词汇功课. U8 U. G  Y: }' H6 u8 }
We were given a list of words that we needed to look up in the dictionary: 老师会给我们一串词,让我们查字典
; F$ X/ S3 p2 r/ n! WAntonyms: 反义词5 d- g" w0 N+ D: A# {( i# ?
Synonyms:近义词,同义词% B+ e5 L' r* R7 r5 D3 V$ \! ?
Construct sentences: 造句
/ T, @) z1 [/ L: \1 S8 @! D1 J

+ ?* s. L$ T2 p0 o- g1 G/ W! R
We looked up answers on Quora: 我们看了美国的一个问答网站,Quora
7 Y# l; t2 P+ u- K' ~! s2 d- O
9 o$ m1 s; ?' C/ D0 m+ `1 I! T
Don't just memorize vocabulary lists: 不要单纯去背一串单词
You might know the meaning of the word without retaining or internalizing it: 这样就算知道了意思,也不会用
Vocabulary words are the building blocks of your language ability, but don’t be obsessed with just memorizing vocabulary: 虽然词汇非常重要,是学语言的基础,但千万别迷失在单纯背单词这件事上6 I$ H+ A' t: k4 {  k4 {# d
It’s more useful to know how to use 50 words than to memorize 100: 会用50个词比能背出100个词更有意义6 o% Z- C9 I$ Y+ X* d

6 y$ M  G% R. I! A4 D( P- B2 _' x. Q" g, `) t9 i
Read things you’re interested in or will use: 读你自己感兴趣、用得到的内容
You don’t have to read classical novels: 不一定要读经典小说才有质量
Jane Austen: 奥斯汀
The content might not be the most practical or useful to you: 这些内容对你不一定实用
You might need to check 80% of the words you're reading: 你可能要查80%读到的词

& X3 S! k1 Q* b4 V+ s7 [& j# j) z
It means you can pretty much infer new words from the context: 因为你基本上可以从上下文推断出新词的意思
Define reading in broader terms 广泛定义阅读! A+ ~' N9 h8 H+ A) ]
High frequency content: 找你使用频率高的内容* ?2 G: F* L. x
Even work-related topics could be fun to read: 即使工作类的内容,只要对你有用,也是好的资源
Current affairs/events: 时事
, {( \; L! n* x  A+ {9 P5 z) q
* ^0 s2 \3 |2 v3 M% \0 L$ F; m
I learn a lot of new words from listening to podcasts: 我很多新词都是听美国播客学的
I'd write down new words every day:每天接触的新词会记下来
I'd also write down the sentence where the new word was used: 也会记下新词出现的句子

/ {( i% I( N9 F3 C* s! G
$ u- |( k2 G6 {3 I1 d/ D- c

转载请保留当前帖子的链接:https://www.beimeilife.com/thread-38398-1-1.html 谢谢

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