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发表于 2015-10-8 16:39 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 东风 于 2015-10-8 13:45 编辑 4 V0 K5 D0 Y! A1 r' u# T

8 [$ m8 H9 d# @: x0 z7 E" V6 O% E4 p- R7 x' I4 }+ \" E9 t

4 |/ l% ]$ K! H(原创)加拿大华人不应当过境购买的生活用品, 即使汇率相等!1 q1 [4 X) ?: I+ H4 X
7 V6 p$ G8 i  `
8 u/ I5 r3 {- f+ c# v* A7 q( g
7 C$ a8 w/ x7 I% A1 H+ s& o
过境购物的加拿大华人, 除了名牌服饰等,大多也会顺道加油,购买一些生活用品, 毕竟米国那边的价格颇具吸引力,
, {+ Z* r  O! x4 V& s# e2 b2 {$ ^笔者也不例外, 但最近一年来的汇率差价使得大家很少怎么做了, 可是即便汇率相等的情况下, 有一些关乎健康的/ N" g  j9 [" s3 ~
生活用品也不应当购买, 你知道吗?3 B) O0 Q: R, ~: {' L2 y2 W( L$ C
) {, Z+ s, I+ i# m" [0 f9 t% o8 F2 Z当一个说道,周末经常过境去买鸡蛋和牛奶, 而另一个同事立刻插言到: “为什么去美国买?” 一副莫名其妙的表情。2 l9 Z% e: K" p( L* e1 m% f
“美国鸡蛋新鲜, 全都保证是24小时之内的, 牛奶和奶酪比加拿大这边的价格差的很多。” 我想如果是我也会这么
% B4 Y$ f! J% D( ?" P# e回答。
3 l! E% {+ e; v# L% R* J“你知道美国最大的奶制品供应商Dairy Farmers of America , 提供milk/cheese/yogurt/sour cream/, 他们在加拿大也有分部和实验室, 本地加拿大人大都知道美国那边的牛奶比加拿大要多出十几种化学生物制剂.....
  t9 Z- w2 i; Y! w* B7 j% E9 v9 g  c6 Q* `. D
不懂就查,不了解就古狗,一看吓一条跳:- Q" O: g1 Y7 {+ h- s, \
加拿大法律明文规定, 牛奶制品不容许含任何类固醇,生长激素以及抗生素,而这些在美国都是容许的!!Gosh!!!
' E7 B8 C; F$ B9 k$ N# N
2 [7 m- x" E! W5 ]' d原文连接和主要提示如下2 G: B7 V; t1 i& z) [6 w3 d
/ `1 b& X5 W! U2 M9 K3 \
http://www.albertamilk.com/ask-dairy-farmer/ive-started-buying-organic-milk-based-on-the-assum/- k  h$ E6 t" F2 ?# b$ T- T

1 L+ [/ _; ~; S! O+ tCanadian milk, regardless of whether it is organic or conventional milk, undergoes strict milk quality production procedures and rigorous testing and to assure that you have the highest quality milk to enjoy. Antibiotics, Growth Hormone and Steroids If a dairy cow is being treated for an illness and is taking antibiotics, she is temporarily removed from the milk producing herd and her milk is discarded. Once she has recovered and the antibiotics have cleared her system, her milk is again suitable for human consumption. All milk is rigorously tested for antibiotics prior to it being accepted at the milk processing plant. If milk contains traces of antibiotics, the milk is dumped and the producer is penalized. As we answered in Bea’s Question, growth hormones to stimulate milk production in dairy cows are not permitted for use in Canada. This means that no milk, cheese or yogurt produced in Canada contains these added hormones. As we explained in our answer to Nick’s question, rBST, short for recombinant bovine somatotropin, is a type of artificial growth hormone that increases milk production. It is illegal for use in our Canadian dairy cows, but legal in the USA. If you want to be certain that the dairy product you would like to enjoy does not contain rBST, just look for the 100% Canadian Milk logo with the blue cow. 7 I8 k3 A, q+ z+ W5 `. C* [( \2 a

& G$ a5 z; h- \; n另外一篇:http://bcdairy.ca/milk/articles/does-milk-contain-growth-hormones-and-antibiotics/, X7 [- d$ [& _9 X1 M
3 i7 b' `7 Z4 L7 [7 g( _
Canadian dairy farmers do not use growth hormones such as BST or rbGH and ensure their milk is free of antibiotics.
While the administration of growth hormones known as BST or rBGH to dairy cows is allowed in the US, it is illegal in Canada and therefore not permitted for use with any dairy cows.% E" c) }& f" j1 m: S8 K
" j4 b9 m( X( X% X2 G6 A: O
- n7 x( Z" ]6 }  `5 d: A, D1 E) {2 J# L
如此就将牛肉,牛奶以及牛奶制品如奶酪,酸奶等等一并墙壁料? 笔者不甘心,再次查看了下其他动植物看是否有什么猫腻或误导因素, 结果一样, 鸡蛋,猪肉等一个模式, 美加两地标准不一样,这让一贯认为两个如兄弟的连襟/境 国家的我们,大跌眼镜哈。' h. X. j! V7 X) X" G3 Y
当然,米国人民那么多, 也不见得吃了些这个就怎么样了, 笔者只是在这里主要针对的是那些离边境近,常常过境购物的加拿大华人, 原本象我一样不一定了解事实和真相。
" L) H& \+ H+ G: @3 C! l% g8 |生活在异乡,我们不了解的其实还很多,很多。也没啥大惊小怪的,呵呵。
4 L) |: s4 e/ A+ V
& r+ e3 u. i  J1 k$ I
0 B4 z$ a$ W; R) ^8 X

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