演唱:Celtic Woman 图片来源:pin
于1779年创作,是世界上最着名的具基督教特色的圣诗之一。 歌词为英国诗人及牧师约翰•牛顿 (1725-1807)所填, 出现在威廉•科伯(William Cowper)及其他作曲家创作的赞美诗集 《Olney Hymns》的一部分。
grace! (how sweet the sound) / 奇异恩典,乐声何等甜美
That sav'd a wretch like me! / 拯救了像我这般无助的人
I once was lost, but now am found, / 我曾迷失,如今已被找回
Was blind, but now I see. / 曾经盲目,如今又能看见
Twas grace that taught my heart to fear , / 神迹教我心存敬畏 And grace my fears reliev'd ; / 减轻我心中的恐惧 How precious did that grace appear, / 神迹的出现何等珍贵 The hour I first believ'd ! / 那是我第一次相信神的时刻
Thro' many dangers, toils and snares, / 历经无数险阻丶陷阱 I have already come; / 我已走了过来 'Tis grace has brought me safe thus far, / 神迹保我安全无虞至今 And grace will lead me home. / 神迹将指引我回到家
The Lord has promis'd good to me, / 主耶稣的名字 His word my hope secures; / 在信徒的耳里听来多麽甜美 He will my shield and portion be, / 那抚平了他的烦忧,治愈了他的伤 As long as life endures. / 赶走了他的恐惧
Yes, when this flesh and heart shall fail, / 耶稣必得独自背负十字架 And mortal life shall cease; / 以拯救全世界 I shall possess, within the veil, / 但每个人的心里,包括我在内 A life of joy and peace. / 都有着一副十字架
The earth shall soon dissolve like snow, / 我们在此已一万年 The sun forbear to shine; / 光芒如太阳一样耀眼 But God, who call'd me here below, / 和最初相比 Will be forever mine. / 我们能赞美上帝的时日永远不缺