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It is kinda sorrowness drifting in water It is just beside us: bearing the last desire... some forgotten soon after... some still good at lusts: It says eventually all the same end... (原创) like it? then continue:{:4_101:}: Along with " the fallen leave":https://www.beimeilife.com/blog-338-10255.html?_dsign=c72ee679 So we cherish and worship... 豆是看你怎么看? {:5_137:} It is kinda decor in beauty It is kinda sorrowness drifting in water It is just beside us: bearing the last desire... some forgotten soon after... some still good at lusts: It says eventually all the same end... So we cherish and worship... (原创) like it? then continue:{:4_101:}: Along with " the fallen leave":https://www.beimeilife.com/blog-338-10255.html?_dsign=c72ee679