对毕业后的找工前景变得越来越沮丧后, 一名大学毕业生选择在eBay上销售她的大学证书和“大学经验”: [attach]5090[/attach] Stephanie Ritter 说她在收拾中学和大学用具时发现了她的Florida State University 大学的文凭。 “我认为这张纸可能看起来对很多人有意义, 但是这个剧场专业文凭对我来说(意义)却不能再少了!, 它与那些能在一年级就退学而拿到的薪酬大差不差, 比如我,现在还有$40,000债务, 而他们( 退学)的,则没有债务担忧。 里特说她在2011年毕业, 干一份助理工作, 一份与专业无丝毫关系的工作。 现实的问题是她并非唯一毕业后难于找到专业相关工作的大学毕业生。 看看她在eBay上的描述, 很奇特不是: [attach]5091[/attach][attach]5092[/attach] 警示:大学期间要对贷款特别当心;现在经济环境下大学生需要社会救助越来越多。尤其在一些大城市, 别说找专业工作, 对于刚毕业的大学生,动辄上千的房租都是不小的开支;另一侧面,Sugardaddy是社会的一种毒瘤,但是其存在原因,不得不让人们回头看看, 当前的社会经济结构已经变化迥然,不仅给大学生,给每个家庭带来新的挑战。 外电报道原文: This Woman Selling Her College Diploma On eBay Is All Of Us Dissatisfied graduates have tried to sell their diplomas before. But Stephanie is selling more than a diploma: She’s selling her experience. In her description on eBay, Stephanie describes exactly what “experience” includes: -A TOUR of Florida State University including everywhere you would have gone/eaten/partied in your four years at FSU. (Possibly includes but not limited to: Suwanee Hall and a possible Ms. Killings sighting, Jimmy Johns, Mr. Roboto, dinner at Cool Beanz, burgers & beers at Monks, drinks at Poor Pauls)Despite her current frustrations, Ritter said she would choose to go to college again.[attach]5093[/attach] [attach]5094[/attach] But she said she would change a few things, like studying in a city where she could make more money to support herself, and, most important, finding a queer-friendly college: “FSU was great, but there were, like, 1,000 straight white men for every queer person,” she said. “I didn’t realize how important being around other gay people would be until I recently joined an amazing group of mostly queer women and thought, Oh! This is what I could’ve felt like in college?”She also has advice for high schoolers applying to college. “Be REALLY careful with loans,” she said. In addition to applying for scholarships, Stephanie recommends sending “letters to rich people around your town and ask them to sponsor you.” That sounds like a joke, but Stephanie has friends that actually did that and, guess what? It WORKED.So, what if her college experience doesn’t sell? What is her backup plan? It’s simple: Become a sugar daughter. She said she envisions this as a situation where “a very rich family would adult Daddy Warbucks me.” “If that falls through, honestly, [I will] just do that thing where I pay the minimum for 25 years and then the government feels so bad for you that they wipe it clean,” she said.9. So if you’re some rich Warbucks reading this, go ahead and make an offer on the diploma. [attach]5095[/attach] Stephanie Ritter/Facebook You could soon be reliving your new memories, like the time you and your friends tried to re-create that Friends poster, seen above. 10. $50,000 for priceless memories? Now that’s a good deal. |