
[美国移民综合] 美国移民局将在迈阿密召开EB-5利益相关者电话会议

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发表于 2016-8-7 23:42 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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( S8 S+ b) q! A! v5 g) O所有EB-5利益相关者可以亲自到场或者通过视频电话,参加此会议。
+ w; e, D4 F6 K7 y' ^( r会议主要内容分为两个环节。第一个环节中,移民局官员将提供EB-5计划的最新进展情况。第二环节将是一个问答环节。
3 j2 R0 W' i* D! t! z& B& d兆龙移民专业律师团队将受邀参加并报道此次会议,为广大投资人提供最便捷获得消息的渠道。请随时关注兆龙移民官方网站(www.zhaolong.net)以及官方微博微信。" e8 W. f* n" U. S4 K
# G( n; X% v, tReminder: Dial in for Tomorrow’s USCIS Stakeholder Engagement% t: O6 O6 e* B* V; }$ f% M& g! w
Posted: 27 Jul 2016 09:18 AM PDT' j/ d6 D- D: D) ^( S) A
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) will hold its next EB-5 stakeholder engagement in Miami, FL on Thursday July 28th, from 1:00 to 2:30pm (Eastern). All EB-5 stakeholders are eligible to participate, in person or via teleconference. Read the official announcement here." O3 R, Y4 d+ ~% l' B, y8 n
During the first part of this engagement, USCIS officials will provide EB-5 program updates. The second part will be a question-and-answer session. We invite you to ask non-case specific questions or provide feedback on the EB-5 program.
+ \1 F3 r+ n: k0 ^Please use the call-in number and password listed below.
! {' {; G. J& d& R- RToll-free call-in number: 1-888-972-9246
1 `2 I1 k& [/ @5 P" wToll number if you are calling from outside of the U.S.: 1-630-395-0122: K, s" J- a7 A1 z9 I$ D
Passcode: EB5
0 W+ a% D* \0 W# |& s3 S
+ Q/ A& @9 q2 h" s& }/ D0 E8 A5 T! Q& w7 `9 c- L) Q
! w1 P- K0 f0 J1 T) |4 ~, \% {+ t5 ~8 ^
4 z4 S, w! D; \& d& }8 Z. T

3 J, \# D9 u9 W+ F9 j/ r' t/ M. Q* O. }! K2 x

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. F5 q* d+ U9 z6 R& K+ H& d1 d
, L" s) z) j$ M+ H/ c: z2 t4 K6 ?* Z, r
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% ?* U4 G/ ?* _/ z/ N
5 i7 F# o1 W2 V; J3 o4 V谢谢欣赏,开放注册,欢迎加入北美生活网。

转载请保留当前帖子的链接:https://www.beimeilife.com/thread-25103-1-1.html 谢谢

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