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本帖最后由 蜻蜓点水 于 2017-3-4 16:37 编辑 : X2 h8 j5 f3 L2 w0 M
$ W8 L, |) q# i7 x$ W' o% x. g1 g5 f0 {
点击标题下方五道口书院,关注后即可查阅所有精美文章 文:Alison Mcgee 图:Peter Reynolds , W/ g4 o, S! L5 k
2 C2 Q8 I& Q/ f' Q" T9 O8 K
曾经,我轻吻着你的每根小指头。 One day I counted your fingers and kissed each one.
& O% a; h0 U: y0 u$ w4 T& {1 K
( w7 o) O. _% N" Y: L曾经,在某个清朗的冬日,我把你高高举起,看着你红润的笑脸。 One day the first snowflakes fell,and I held you up and watched them melt on your baby skin.
8 M; E& o" j# f3 l. E$ L8 m: X $ z$ @8 V, N' _# C# e, X# n
曾经,你的小手紧抓着我,一同穿越都市的车水马龙。 One day,we crossed the street,and you held my hand tight. 3 p" p# k8 [7 M' N: ^7 E
' L/ f% w: H: k# L
曾经,你是我的小宝宝,现在你是我的大宝贝。" |: y4 f2 P/ v1 h" G O( z
Then ,you were my baby,and now you are my child. 8 a+ }2 v4 `; \0 _* x6 u/ s
2 ]& V, H9 ~7 v- s
: L+ \( d/ B" `" `5 c
有时,望着沉睡的你,我也跟着梦想…… Sometimes,When you sleep, I watch your dream,and I dream too......
4 I P ]2 C5 H) |
, s3 y7 o) ~+ H有一天,你会潜入冷冽清澈的湖。5 s! c5 o4 f; c( {( i& w
That someday you will dive into the cool,clear water of a lake. : S0 L* Z y1 E* \
d4 {; b* A, o* h
独自走进一座苍郁的森林。 Someday you will walk into a deep wood.
6 A4 T8 N. B/ V" W2 V0 C . X6 D3 I/ H: R# [" ]; c. H W
* t% P( X' c( v& s% n1 q) a% E Someday your eyes will be filled with a joy so deep that they shine.
# O: x# y! G* c, \
# W- `$ f5 B" C: V8 X( c/ a* \有一天,你会为了心中的渴求,像团火球似的疯狂追逐。
0 n9 I+ S( X$ ~" n# A- Z Someday you will run so fast and so far your heart will feel like fire.
( b9 _* u9 b6 d8 r% E+ E( }
5 W6 c/ z- r+ X) F/ L有一天,你会发现自己荡的比想象的还高。
" E5 _+ L# [- ?& w Someday you will swing high so high, higher than you ever dared to swing. 9 B. @ ]; l; g; h; W* D9 v
/ S- F$ ^4 v2 r( s有一天,你会因为突如其来的坏消息,感觉被深深的哀伤包围。
' _4 k2 J, }* @# t' G1 |: Z Someday you will hear something so sad that you will fold up with sorrow. : P8 `- V) q( v& _
( S* u& v2 ]- u1 n7 C
5 V) g0 P6 } s4 }4 U$ M Someday you will call a song to the wind,and the wind will carry your song away. 6 s" |. s' G g4 H* i
) _, ~; B8 t: F# ?0 n* O
' \+ @ X6 {! `4 m8 D0 R, U; z# [- G Someday I will stand on this porch and watch your arms waving to me until I no longer see you.
- I& ^4 a. G' O
- Y+ l7 |% Q; R; A( W5 o有一天,你会望着我们的家,诧异记忆中它的巨大,和此刻看起来的渺小。/ m2 y Q7 o7 q1 W
Someday you will look at this house and wonder how something that feels so big can look so small. " f4 M7 z$ z% R# O
& p- J* D- U; q& S2 C* w) n有一天,你会发现,自己坚强的双臂也有着一个小小负担。 Someday you will feel a small weight against your strong back. P; N8 ]& E* z1 d2 I& U
# g+ S, e. B: Z
' j; g! R$ `1 u X8 X h Someday I will watch you brushing your child's hair.
; d& V1 D9 h |" @8 r y. w + e1 U- O/ J- @. M3 |0 n; D
有一天,很久很久以后的一天,你的头发也会在太阳底下闪着银光。 Someday,a long time from now,your own hair will glow silver in the sun.
6 e' Y2 z. L* l1 G
# _& ~+ u' h- ^+ [+ b$ [当那天到来的时候,亲爱的,你会想念我。 And when that day comes,love,you will remember me.
- Q# j' R% `" M& v6 V1 n. M & O# d$ Z# o/ Z# ?! S6 H
常常会有时光转瞬即逝的感觉,尤其是当看着自己的孩子熟睡的侧脸,仿佛上一秒他还在自己的怀里呢喃,下一刻却就要离家远航。而总有一天,他也会如自己这般,深情地凝望着孩子的睡脸,也许到那一天,他终将懂得此刻你的心情。 (文章来源:微读书;ID: weidushu)+ b; e5 S, U, F, @8 f2 i/ ^
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