
标题: 英语美文朗读: 假如生活重头再来 [打印本页]

作者: 咖啡沾衣    时间: 2017-1-22 04:38
标题: 英语美文朗读: 假如生活重头再来
  l5 s2 l$ Q. M, F, X: T2 S
7 r. _" U$ v% `2 g8 \) Y
. G4 k7 U4 t/ c; Mhttp://res.wx.qq.com/voice/getvoice?mediaid=MzA5MTI3Nzk4OV8yNjU4MzYxOTkw.mp3      

! ^3 c- X+ E6 a1 y+ V
$ L8 ?: z1 {. R) n                 Living life over
/ r% ]1 p6 X9 T* XIf I had my life to live over…… I would have talked less and listened more.
/ l9 u; Q( h8 U& H& s. R假如我能重新生活,我会说得更少,听得更多。% {7 f/ S# Y5 J( V- m; w3 t

, O: ]3 ^5 w5 [% ~) z

; m: z8 F7 C+ k2 M) R% u8 NI would have invited friends over to dinner even if the carpet was stained and the sofa faded.
5 f7 j+ f6 }0 {- y) G3 x0 x# n我会邀请朋友来吃饭,即使地毯变脏,沙发褪色。: w$ E, T5 \/ V6 N
4 D5 k; g. U& _. _( h

; \/ w  t. e: J4 E& p: i5 }, VI would have taken the time to listen to my grandfather ramble about his youth.   
$ d0 A1 X  n" @. c我会花时间听我的祖父漫谈他的年轻时光。   " ^: P" k: S% A9 h" {

0 l+ B- ]7 J; `3 Q% R9 z0 R  ^

: L& P5 _, ]2 Q* \: J8 u7 }I would never have insisted the car windowsbe rolled up on a summer day
+ j8 m- `2 D# f. L* sbecause my hair had just been teased and sprayed.  # p3 t4 D; q9 u2 w1 ?: p
* |3 ?4 p( R1 |( Z0 m7 n9 L/ ~& Z# \! B5 u# \) H
2 Z, m$ E- z  {% A
I would have burned the pink candle sculpted like a rose before it melted in storage.' ?$ z! i" ~/ T! ~. t. Z; ~2 D8 B
我会点燃雕得像朵玫瑰一样的粉红的蜡烛,在它被在存储中融化之前。. U4 i9 {; b* P; q
: j. m4 m( F! R  ^% H! {; o
! C5 a; b: O+ q) o
I would have sat on the lawn with my children and not worried about grass stains.6 u& i/ V; q# k
我会与我的孩子一起坐在草坪上,不用担心草地上的污渍。4 _' C, _2 \5 i: e* N7 z
) @) l% |2 j+ j" g

9 ~5 \) k8 q" w1 J( y* b5 ^I would have cried and laughed less while watching television - and more while watching life.& h. R. n, P* Q' m/ ^3 t
: O; X# x. ?; f( U/ p8 ]& ^3 W+ Y& V* \; W) N, V
5 B" ]/ E+ H6 d- ?2 P
I would have gone to bed when I was sick instead of pretending the earth would go into a holding pattern if I were not there for the day.
) b3 S, Z7 L9 l0 n; _2 x当我生病时,我会上床睡觉,而不是假装如果我不在一天,地球就会停止不动。" k. ^8 c+ u, O5 M" p
5 t  u/ z$ B. R! ]  l3 z; Q8 N

) _, o, c9 `- v/ JI would never have bought anything just because it was practical,would not show soil or was guaranteed to last a life time.
; G5 \8 d: p7 y. L我再也不会购买任何据说是实用的,不显脏,保证可用一生的东西。   
5 ]' ]' S- J/ ~; i6 ]$ s, ?
; E3 u0 y% B6 r6 B

: c) f2 E/ Q1 P- c4 Z' S) v, Y9 RThere would have been more“I love yous”……more“I‘m sorrys”……butmostly,given another shots at life,I would seize every minute……look at it and really see it……live it……and never give it back.1 J5 U  q& ^, c5 v9 ?
我会说更多的“我爱你. ” … …更多的“对不起. ” … 但是最主要的是,如果我可以重新生活我会抓住每一分钟… …看看它, 实实在在地看它… …好好生活… …决不让它重头再来。
* X* x4 `3 @  N. O; I5 n$ F/ G/ Q/ X2 t
, P2 p! O5 j: k( C' J; O/ P# E
. g, \, {" o% R+ A7 Utease [tis] vt 梳理. k  S+ p3 u  \- R' ^
spray [spre] vt 喷射
- J, s* G/ Q3 r( r- K# P! Lramble ['ræmbl] vi 闲逛,漫谈 vt漫步于2 X( w0 V' K  _
roll up 卷起8 {3 _5 R. ?. h0 M) P" W8 F
sculpt [skʌlpt] vi/vt 雕刻
4 w; ?1 N4 i% F6 N4 i, I& lmelt [mɛlt] 融化,使溶解
# a; Q8 Q8 k. i; t3 ]% e: m. dpattern n ['pætɚn]  n. 模式8 G# [5 R3 N4 d4 ^
guarantee [,ɡærən'ti]  vt 保证
6 t3 s4 O" I) O5 F" X4 fgive sth another shot 再尝试某事一次( V0 U# \2 Z, W4 p3 M# B# H
lawn [lɔn]  草地
! K  X5 k3 l  \& {- Wstain [sten] n. 污渍 vi/vt 沾污, 被污染: b- m% `% f6 T  x/ T* _
' C! I7 e1 D- J0 ]' d, ]& j4 V3 \2 t
9 W% \' e) c5 w5 [. K+ U# R4 K

' c% }7 N# e; G; c  r; {9 m
+ y" G8 R( Q1 V

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