标题: 婚前十五问|你们真的准备好迎接婚姻生活了吗? [打印本页] 作者: 蜻蜓点水 时间: 2016-6-23 15:59
标题: 婚前十五问|你们真的准备好迎接婚姻生活了吗?
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结婚前必需了解对方的哪些情况才能嫁?你们真的准备好迎接共同的生活了吗? + A7 ~- Y; @3 U, \ 著名的《纽约时报》“婚前十五问”,列出了婚前必需了解的15个关键问题。如果你们在这些问题上存在分歧,在结婚之前不如先思考如何解决。 ) Y% j; ^9 `# K* B9 u: A( E0 w关于孩子1 H& l6 Z6 Q" K 1、我们要不要孩子?如果要,主要由谁来负责?# T0 T' Z& n- w9 n
Have we discussed whether or not to have children, and if the answer is yes, who is going to be the primary care giver? % o" Y: r) I" s: D+ p9 q关于理财 ' h7 x6 A! Y6 a3 K6 {' l( G2、我们的家庭赚钱能力及目标是什么?消费观及储蓄观会不会发生冲突?3 n$ G7 @7 i- y7 G) C" ?* I4 ~
Do we have a clear idea of each other’s financial obligations and goals, and do our ideas about spending and saving mesh? 1 Q" i: f, x% L! Q关于主内主外3 l P# a- O0 x 3、我们的家庭如何维持?由谁来掌握可能出现的风险?8 u! u+ s3 N$ s) M5 @; a0 a! }2 }
Have we discussed our expectations for how the household will be maintained, and are we in agreement on who will manage the chores?4 V& Z6 F# v. j8 R$ w8 R7 i 关于病史1 {/ _4 v1 f8 @) W 4、我们有没有详尽地交换过双方的疾病史?包括精神上的。 . s# ~ R/ e' L7 |, E Have we fully disclosed our health histories, both physical and mental? + [; j4 G" D( `$ d$ w- M关于相爱) r& N/ i$ C& L7 D5 L$ X1 _$ ?; [ 5、我们互相爱的程度,达到彼此的预期了吗? 5 W/ B- _% |4 {6 `; \% ^ Is my partner affectionate to the degree that I expect?- S; v& V& `3 u" J 关于性爱# E: D% E- \+ Y) a3 v$ L5 v8 D 6、我们是否能自然、坦诚地说出自己的性需求、性的偏好及恐惧? 6 d) Z5 [/ W& _) F# ^2 _ Can we comfortably and openly discuss our sexual needs, preferences and fears? 6 N# k. Q; k3 J8 d) G7 M' @关于生活 " f9 Y5 e; L! c: U7、卧室会放电视机吗?3 b; O I- u6 p
Will there be a television in the bedroom?. I$ L/ @( K1 e2 d% A 关于沟通8 s) S; B2 D# @5 @ 8、我们真的能倾听对方诉说,并公平对待对方的想法和抱怨吗? : t7 q" @8 g9 F& H! b! j Do we truly listen to each other and fairly consideron_e another’s ideas and complaints?: _, `- a0 d" S* f8 W 关于信仰 1 w* @4 V n" H6 {5 W9、我们清晰地了解对方的精神需求和信仰吗?我们讨论过孩子将来的信仰问题吗? ; K" i' r- n5 B" v& h+ l! | Have we reached a clear understanding of each other’s spiritual beliefs and needs, and have we discussed when and how our children will be exposed to religious/moral education?2 s% e* S; O) E T; ]' _1 ~3 k+ ] 关于朋友 1 D! O3 n3 C! {& z10、我们喜欢并尊重对方的朋友吗?& e. V& e7 I) m: @ Q, Z$ K' U
Do we like and respect each other’s friends? 6 ^6 I1 M# [5 C关于父母, k5 ~5 ^% o- o 11、我们能不能看重并尊敬对方的父母?我们有没有考虑过父母可能会干涉我们的关系?, Z" z- o+ r, C* H, U8 y8 c
Do we value and respect each other’s parents, and is either of us concerned about whether the parents will interfere with the relationship?& C0 J; Y/ N g# D 关于家族% ^+ G( s, ?$ i 12、我的家庭最让你心烦的事情是什么?1 M% X* S7 W; c; m, a% C# Q" `
What does my family do that annoys you?" \8 w6 Z! P. d7 [: m; V& l 关于坚守2 k1 [ o* T7 b' b* u 13、有没有什么事情,是我们永远不会因为婚姻而放弃的?% V, w/ b7 v( ?2 Y* |/ f2 M. s Y. C
Are there some things that you and I are NOT prepared to give up in the marriage? ! J7 A5 X% T( L/ o5 m关于牺牲 ; I6 C" k+ u+ o4 e$ Z5 o/ \, j14、如果我们中的一人需要离开其家族所在地陪同另一个人到外地工作,做得到吗?* t- C Y: G2 g: `5 c! \
Ifon_e of us were to be offered a career opportunity in a location far from the other’s family, are we prepared to move? 4 R! R) e, F* ~关于信心 # N' u( Q: K) F, S% b15、我们是不是充满信心面对婚姻里的任何挑战?- v9 L. {4 }# ]' B, U$ T/ i
Does each of us feel fully confident in the other’s commitment to the marriage and believe that the bond can survive whatever challenges we may face? 9 b; @7 ~! k% d) N 结婚之前,先问问彼此这15个问题。如果你们都准备好了,赶紧开始一段新的旅程吧。 3 a$ d% g* ~+ q+ O/ r" A& L 作者:微信公号麦子熟了(id:maizi8090),只分享经典:有趣的观点,优秀的思想,经典的文章!文章百里挑一,让阅读更富效率,让时间更有价值!遇见即改变,欢迎关注! * o: m1 V/ ^* M! K: |& r' i $ S- c5 \' I, f& Y5 C @- _( s- v - Q/ B/ E: U1 y7 g" ` f内容采编自网络, 不代表北美生活网观点, 除新闻外如有著作权争议, 请联系本站编辑,将立即处理。 ( ^7 J+ Q# y+ l1 u' \* ] }( f! o# n3 z 1 c- O2 f4 K3 {. n谢谢欣赏,开放注册,欢迎加入北美生活网。