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2015-10-15 02:21| 发布者: 北美生活网| 查看: 29| 评论: 9|原作者: 清淡百合

摘要: 一不小心种子出芽, (http://www.beimeilife.com/blog-338-10245.html),心情还是蛮好的, 所以网上飕飕,看额做的对不: 在我吃掉鳄梨之前,这种特殊的种子已经在果实内部开始发芽了。小心取出种子,不要留下过 ...
一不小心种子出芽, (http://www.beimeilife.com/blog-338-10245.html),心情还是蛮好的, 所以网上飕飕,看额做的对不:

  • 在我吃掉鳄梨之前,这种特殊的种子已经在果实内部开始发芽了。小心取出种子,不要留下过深的刀痕。清理干净取出的种子,不要有果肉残留在上面。
  • 如果你用的是牙签水培方案,用三根牙签插进种子侧面,将它放在小杯子或罐子上,倒入水使种子的一半被水浸没。种子上较胖的一侧朝下。这很简单,对么?如果水位因蒸发下降,补充足够的水,并将种子罐放在明亮的窗口或者户外。几天或者几个月之后鳄梨种子会开始发芽,我的一颗种子最后花了三个月,但是还没遇到过挂掉的。当根部即将充满玻璃瓶时,小心地将幼苗移植到花盆里。

3  苗床法23xdgf.png
  • 用苗床的方法也很简单,如果你用个小花盆,在底部放一些砾石或一些鹅卵石以利于排水。
  • 鳄梨喜欢充足的水分,但不是潮湿的土壤。把种子埋进土里,顶端在土面上露出一点点。

4  萌发的幼苗
  • 很快你的种子就会发芽,这是我用水培法培育的种子,移植到了花盆里。

5  修剪还是不修剪,这是个问题
  • 这时候的幼苗稍稍长大了一点。不同的修剪方法下,叶片会如何生长?当幼苗发育时,有人建议修剪顶端,使植物长成灌木形。如果你打算在室内放这盆极好的盆栽,可能要照此办理,适当控制它生长的高度会使盆栽更优美。

6  换盆
  • 这两个小家伙长的太快了,因为天气很暖和。据说,一年四季都可以种植鳄梨,尽管很多植物不一定能在12~16摄氏度(55~60华氏度)下生长。这些哈斯鳄梨长得很快,所以需要迅速换到大一些的花盆里。

7  浇水,欣赏
  • 我运气很好地吃到了三个富尔特鳄梨(以我的标准来看最美味的)。愿意花上几年看护的话说不定就可以等到它们结果——我希望能看到这一天。
  • 鳄梨需要充足的浇灌,但是不喜欢被淹没的土壤。最好每次灌溉的时候让土壤被彻底浸没,然后干到只剩一点水的地步。我坚持每隔一天或者更短的时间浇一次水。
  • 鳄梨当观赏植物来种很划得来,你很快就能得到一株漂亮的植物来装点自己的居室或者花园,而且不需要太多的照顾。


STEP 1 – REMOVE & CLEAN PITYou’ll need to start by removing the pit from the avocado carefully (without cutting it), and then washing it clean of all the avocado fruit (often it helps to soak the pit in some water for a few minutes and then scrub all the remaining fruit off). Be careful not to remove the brown skin on the pit – that is the seed cover.
STEP 2 – LOCATE WHICH END IS ‘UP’ AND WHICH IS ‘DOWN’Some avocado pits are slightly oblong, whereas others are shaped almost like perfect spheres – but all avocado pits have a ‘bottom’ (from where the roots will grow), and a ‘top’ (from which the sprout will grow). The slightly pointier end is the top, and the flat end is the bottom. In order to get your pit to sprout, you will need to place the bottom root end in water, so it’s very important to figure out which end is the ‘top’ and which is the ‘bottom’ before you go piercing it with toothpicks.
STEP 3 – PIERCE WITH FOUR TOOTHPICKSTake four toothpicks and stick them at a slight downward angle into the avocado seed, spaced evenly around the circumference of the avocado. These toothpicks are your avocado scaffolding, which will allow you to rest the bottom half of the avocado in water, so therefore the toothpicks need to be wedged in there firmly. I recommend sticking them in at a slight angle (pointing down), so that more of your avocado base rests in the water when you set this over a glass.
STEP 4 – PLACE AVOCADO SEED HALF SUBMERGED IN A GLASS OF WATERAnd set on a quiet windowsill with sunlight. It’s helpful to use a clear glass so you can easily see when roots start to grow, and also when the water needs to be changed. Many guides recommend to change the water every day, but I found, through trial and error, that it is better to change the water every five days to a week or so. You do want to make sure you change the water regularly, to prevent mold, bacteria and fungus growth, which can doom your little avocado sprout.
STEP 5 – WAIT FOR YOUR AVOCADO SEED TO SPROUT!Many online guides I have read say that sprouting can take anywhere from 2-4 weeks, but in my experience, it usually takes at least 8 weeks to get a sprout, so be patient. Here is the process you will witness:
1. The top of the avocado pit will dry out and form a crack, and the outer brown seed skin will slough off.
2. The crack will extend all the way to the bottom of the avocado pit, and through the crack at the bottom, a tiny taproot will begin to emerge.
3. The taproot will grow longer and longer (and may branch), and eventually a small sprout will peek through the top of the avocado pit.
4. Do not allow your taproot to dry out unsubmerged EVER – doing so will be the death of your plant.
STEP 6 – POT IN SOIL WHEN TREE IS ABOUT 6” TALLWhen the stem is 6-7 inches long, cut it back to about 3 inches, this will encourage new growth. When it hits 6-7 inches again, pot it up in a rich humus soil in an 8-10″ diameter pot, leaving the top half of the seed exposed. Place on a sunny windowsill. Avocados love sun – the more sun the better.
STEP 7 – WATER & WATCH IT GROWGive it frequent waterings with an occasional deep soak. The soil should always be moist, but not saturated. Yellowing leaves are a sign of over-watering; let the plant dry out for a few days.
STEP 8 – PINCH OUT TOP LEAVES TO ENCOURAGE BUSHINESSWhen the stem reaches 12 inches tall, pinch out the top two sets of leaves. This will encourage the plant to grow side shoots and more leaves, making it bushy. Each time the plant grows another 6 inches pinch out the 2 newest sets of leaves on top.
STEP 9 – TROUBLESHOOTING BUGSMy avocado trees seem to collect aphids – the nasty critters can’t get enough of the delicious avocado leaves. If you get them, here’s how to get rid of them: Wash all of the aphids off the plant by spraying your plant down with a hose outside or in the sink/shower. Once the little pests are off, spray your plant with a mixture of water with a small squirt of dishwashing liquid and a teaspoon of neem oil. This will keep aphids from returning. Check your plant every 4-5 days and re-clean and spray when necessary.
STEP 10 – WINTERINGBaby avocado trees can kick it outdoors in summer, but if you live anywhere where it gets cooler than 45 degrees F, you’ll need to bring them back indoors in the fall/winter, before the temperatures fall.










慕然回首 2015-10-7 16:15
经常吃这个AVACADO, 从没想过自己还可以种。下回试试。
东风 2015-10-10 11:36

东风 2015-10-10 11:51


安茗 2015-10-13 18:47
清淡百合 2015-10-17 19:24

xuesheng 2015-10-19 21:31
清淡百合 2015-10-22 01:31

清淡百合 2015-10-22 01:31

xuesheng 2015-10-26 11:37


