From BuzzFeed, 翻译北美生活网--蜻蜓点水 1. 五分钟让你的平底鞋舒展开来。Break in your flats in under five minutes. Step 1: 穿上后袜子,然后鞋子/ Put on thick socks, and then your flats. Step 2: 用吹风机沿着绷紧的部位吹几分钟/ Blow-dry your shoes around the tight sections for a few minutes. Step 3: 穿着鞋子直到冷却下来/Keep your socks/flats on while it cools. Step 4: 脱了袜子试一下, 重复上述动作如果还不满意/Test them out; repeat process if you need them more stretched out. 2. 将清色的指甲油涂抹在戒指的内侧/ Put clear nail polish on the inside of your rings. 你样你的手指不会因为金属而过敏 Your fingers will be free from green stains. 3. 用海浮石去磨光绒外套/ Use a pumice stone to de-fuzz a sweater. 你也可以用皮棉辊使得外套更整洁/You might want to use a lint roller as well to make your sweaters neat and clean. 4. 用窗帘钩挂你的钱包等/ Hang your purses with shower curtain hooks. So simple!就是那么简单 5. 发辫打结要松, 避免出现秃癍/Wear loose ponytails to avoid bald spots. 如果你打的结太紧, 会收紧毛囊阻止头发生长, 也避免经常同一处打结/When you tie your hair too tight (and often), it strains the follicles and prevents hair growth. Try not to frequently tie your ponytail in the same spot. 6. 用白酒中和红九 /White wine neutralizes red wine stains. 是的, 你没听错, 出席聚会不意衣服上泼到红酒,立即倒一些白葡萄酒在沾染的地方,凉在空气中风干。白酒可以中和红酒,更容易将污点去处/ Yeah, you read that correctly. When you’re at a party and you accidentally spill some red wine on your blouse, immediately pour white wine over the stain and let it air-dry. The white neutralizes the red, making it easier to take out the stain. 7. 将你的化装个用品用磁铁板来储存 /Store your makeup on a magnet board. 这样可以保持化妆品摆放的条理性, 细节方法看这里 ( 图片一看就懂) /This is a good way to keep track of your makeup and stay organized. Instructionshere. 8. 如何整洁地将牛仔裤挽进长筒靴 /Neatly tuck your non-skinny jeans in boots. 就是将底端沿脚腕处折起来再一侧裹起。 Just fold the bottom of your jeans and wrap it over to easily fit in socks. 9. 用干燥滤纸清除除味剂渍/Remove deodorant stains with dryer sheets. Rub the marks in a circular motion and the sheets will absorb the deodorant. Make sure there’s no excess lint from the dryer sheet or you’ll end up with gray marks. Pantyhose also works! 10. 用指甲油将钥匙涂上不同颜色易于分辨/Paint your keys with nail polish to easily distinguish the sets. 保 持尤其在你有备用钥匙的时候It especially helps when you lend a spare key to a houseguest. 11. 用冰葡萄冷制你的白葡萄酒/Chill your white wine with frozen grapes. 保持原味/This prevents the flavor from being watered down! 12. 当打包的时候, 用淋浴帽将鞋子包裹起来/When you pack a suitcase, wrap your shoes in a shower cap. 防止与干净衣物接触/This will prevent the soles from touching your clean clothes. 13. 添加一个磁铁条带, 归类一些小物件/Add a magnetic strip in your bathroom cabinet to support bobby pins and tweezers.
14. 反向放置你的衣架,以便(定期)清理你的储衣柜/Turn around your hangers to clean out your closet. 我们总是一直买但很少穿, 这样会越来越占用不必要的空间, 反向放置, 一旦穿着就正向放置, 这样一年后, 将仍然反向的都捐赠了吧~We all buy clothes we don’t wear, and it takes up unnecessary closet space. Place your hangers the opposite way, and after you use an article of clothing, hang it up regularly. By the end of the year (or season), donate the clothes that are still hanging backward. 15. 将你的项链用一根吸管分开,防止缠绕。Put your necklace through a straw to keep the chain from tangling. 这看起来很笨, 但是节约你的时间和失望~It may look silly, but it will save you time and frustration. 16. 用一个分隔容器来储存你的美发用品~~Use a caddy to store your hair appliances. 可以参照这个买; You can buy some here. You can also use PVC pipes! 17. 用刀具盒来储存你的珠宝~~Mount cutlery trays to store your jewelry. 18. 将泳池浮棒放进你的靴子里使之保持向上~Put pool noodles in your boots to keep them upright. 报纸和杂志也可以 Newspapers and magazines work as well. 19. 用米和袜子自制一个疗痛袋:Use rice and a sock to make a DIY hot pack. 对治疗痛痒非常有, 具体看这里~用Perfect for aches and pains. Instructionshere. 20. 将围巾,长筒袜打结在衣架上方便储存~Tie your scarves and stockings to hangers for easy storage. 21. 用两个手指测试胸罩是否合适~Use two fingers to test out your bra fit. 如果放不进两个手指, 说明太紧, 若能将整个拳头放进, 就太松了~If you can’t comfortably fit two fingers under the band of your bra, it is too tight. If you can fit your entire fist under the band, it’s too loose. 22. 将小苏打放进鞋里去处异味~!Put baking soda in your flats to avoid smelly shoes. 当你不穿袜子穿鞋时候, 出汗会引起异味;这个会杀灭细菌清除异味~When you put shoes on without socks, your feet sweat and start to smell. If you put baking soda in your flats, it will kill the bacteria and get rid of that gross smell. 23. 将葡萄酒瓶塞粘贴进画框里, 自制一个软木塞板~Glue old wine corks to a picture frame to make your own DIY corkboard. 24. 用头发拉直器去熨平折边~~Use your hair straightener to iron hems. 25. 用衣架来挂鞋子~~Use clothing hangers to organize your boots. 要用这种可滑动夹的衣架~Just make sure they have sliding clips. 26. 将睫毛膏棒在热水下摆动,更容易使用~Run your mascara wand under hot water for easier application. 另外不要直接拔抽睫毛膏棒,旋转着使用以防打卷~ Also, do NOT pump your mascara wand in and out of the tube — that causes it to clump. Twirl the wand inside the bottle before applying another coat. 27. 用小冰块清除头发上粘的口香糖Use ice cubes to remove gum from your hair. It will harden the gum, making it easier to remove. You can also use this method for getting gum off the soles of shoes. |